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I glanced up at the icy blue sky, wondering what awaits me at the pipe today. As I continue to tread through the snow, someone slams into me on their board, sending the two of us tumbling down the slope. We both get our share of hits from the board, and during the tumble, both of our helmets go flying somewhere. He lands on top of me, staring at me with brown, apologetic eyes. He runs a hand through his short, red hair and removes his board from his feet while laying on top of me still. We both gasp for air, as we took quite a long (not to mention hard) tumble. He pushed his body off of mine, shaking the snow from his hair. I just layed there, finding it hard to get up. He chuckled and offered out a hand. I gladly accepted, wincing as he touched my wrists. "You okay?" I looked up into his eyes. "I really don't know. My wrists are probably sprained though. Katie, by the way!" His smile lit up the empty walls we were between. "Shaun!" He extended his hand, so I shook it. Shaun blushed a little and let his hand linger on mine. I didn't realize that I was blushing, too. I like the feeling of this. I want so badly to tell him 'Stay with me!' but I can't. It's strange to do so after you've met the guy like five seconds ago. Shaun clears his throat and invites me for some coca at his place. "Yeah! Sure dude I'd love to!"

Snow White Board With a Snow White GuyWhere stories live. Discover now