She's a Tomato

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Chapter 2- She's a Tomato

She just intrigues me little.

At least that what I keep telling myself.

I know the guys believe that I may have a crush on her. But there's no way I can like her. She's a tomato. From the first time I met her she's always been a tomato.

She'll turn red too easily, which cause me to call her tomato.

Anyways I don't have time for romance. I need to focus on my idol career. I can't loose my focus just because of tomato.

I'll admit from our first meeting I got a little curious about her. Since most girls I meet goes fangirling on me but not her. She treated me like any other person. Even though she accuse me for trespassing. On that same day I told the guys about her. They just tease me since I hardly talk about anyone especially about a girl.

It was hard to forget about her especially how red her face turn.

I was only curious on how far if an idol she'll become. My curiosity grew even more when I saw jogging one evening.

I knew she was trying to ignore me so I just continue with my jog. I quicken my pace but Tomato tried to catch up. Surprisingly, she was able to catch up to me. However, she was going way too fast that she didn't have time to stop. She crash into some bushes ahead.

I remember that she was upset about her class sorting audition. I asked her her why did she came to Four Stars Academy? Didn't she had a goal? With that I left her and continue jogging,

There were other times when she felt like giving up. Those are the times that makes her look like a tomato. But as the days pass I guess she started to look less of a tomato but more of an idol. However, she will still be a tomato.

Especially since she declared me as her rival. I mean who declares someone as a rival on Valentine's day and make them chocolate. Calling them Rival Chocolate. Only Tomato will think of that? Am I really a rival for her? I kind of thought we were friends. I mean I have given her advice occasionally and she had share her dreams with me. I remember what she had told me on Christmas.

Flash back

We were talking about our concert and how we wish we could've done more. Someway to make it amazing. Then she told me,

"That's what I want to be. The first star, shining higher than everyone, and brighter than anyone else."

She had a rare look on her face.

I told her she still had a lot more work to get there. But she was determine to get there. To be the first star.

End of flashback

I admire her goal she has for herself.

But like I said before I don't have time for romance. Even if I'm confuse with my  own feelings. Tomato can't distract me from my idol work. Even if she's becoming less of a tomato.

"Subaru-kun we're here" I got out of my thought when Asahi called me.

I guess I been staring at the window for a while. Dam you Tomato!

"Are you okay? You were zone out the whole car ride." Asahi had ask.

" I'm fine.Lets just get going," I didn't want them to know that I was thinking about Tomato.

"You sure you weren't thinking about Yume-chan?" Nozomu had said trying to act charming.

I know I'm blushing a bit when he said that. But I don't want them to know the truths. I try to act cool. Calming myself a bit.

"Why would I? I have no reason too"

"One day you'll figure out your true feelings" this time it was Kanata who had said that before leaving the van.

Confuse on what he said, " What do you mean?"

"He means that your not being honest with yourself," Asahi had said it before he left the van..

"We just hope you'll figure it out before it's too late," Nozomu had it before leaving the van. He had a concern look at his face.

The guys left me behind. Do they have a reason? Am I lying to myself?

I don't have time for romance? Or do I?

I got out of the van to catch up with them. To my  surprise she was there. Standing outside with the rest of  M4.

She seems to notice me. Since she ran up to me. I know the others guys are having a blast seeing me like this. I blush when she was in front of me.

"Hey, you have work today?" she said it so casual.

"Yeah. Have to record M4 new song. What about you?" I try to said it so calmly.

"Same here, I'm recording a new song." but out of nowhere she grab my hand and led me inside the studio. She turn around to face me as we were walking.

"C'mon we're going to be late if we stand outside," she had a slight blush on her when she said that.

I chuckle a bit before calling her "Sure thing Tomato"

"Your one to talk to Boil Octopus," she giggle saying that.

I didn't realize I was red. I try to turned the other way. I heard the guys chuckle behind my back. I know they'll be teasing me later.

Tomato let go of my hand. I kind of wish she didn't. She turn around to face.

"This is my stop. I'll see you later," she quickly said that. She gave me a smile before heading off.

I turn even redder with her smile. I'm glad she didn't see me like this.

"Poor Subaru-kun he wish he could have hold her hand a little longer" Asahi had said it. The others guys just laugh.

"Quit it. We have to work to do," I responded before turning the opposite side.

I look at my hand that Tomato was holding. I can still feel her warmth.

Baka Tomato. Why do you make me feel this way?
I don't have time for romance?

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