Chapter 19

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Terrence's POV

Rahji's family is now house full all the aunts and cousins are here,I was sitting in the car having a weird conversation with my daughter cause I can't handle the crowd inside plus Rahji is feeling a bit under the weather and don't ask about it. I plan on taking her out later cause its our anniversary and that's the main reason why I actually flew down here,I called my friend Webb and he has the surprise set.

Princess:Daddy why can't I have a phone but Jussie has one?
Terrence:Jussie works and he is older
Princess:Please buy me a phone?
Princess:Okay buy me a MacBook

I couldn't help but laugh at this

Terrence:What will you buy me?
Princess:What do you want?

Actually I don't even know what I want

Terrence:Okay I get you whatever you want!
Terrence:Yes I promise
Princess: Thank you daddy I love you so much

She got on top off me and planted kisses on my face

Terrence:Why you not playing with the other kids?
Princess:They don't wanna play with me
Princess:I don't know cause they were playing with their Barbie's and I asked to play but they said NO!
Terrence:Okay so you gonna stay with Daddy okay

Taraji opened the passenger seat and looked at us

Taraji:Girl what you doing in my seat?
Princess:Daddy said I should stay with him!
Taraji:Okay go see Grandma she's asking for you

Princess jumped out the car and Rahji sat in and closed the door,she looked a bit better than a few hours back

Taraji:So what were y'all talking about?
Terrence:A phone and a MacBook
Taraji:She asked me to buy a phone for her but I said NO,I hope you did too Terrence!
Terrence:No,she was very persistent and know how you and her are when y'all want something!
Taraji:You say yes to everything! I wanna go out tonight
Terrence:Yeah just dress up and be sexy for your DADDY!
Taraji:What do you have up your sleeve MR?
Terrence:You don't wanna know
Taraji:Gimme a kiss,I wanna go help in the kitchen
Terrence:Nah,go help in the kitchen

She got on top of me and my hands automatically went to her ASS,the things I'd do to her right in this car,she started kissing on my neck and grinding on my man down there

Terrence: Don't start something you can't finish!
Taraji:Yeah you right!

She got off me and opened door to leave but not before placing a small kiss on my cheek

Taraji's POV

Finally this whack ass party they held for my aunt is over now I want my man cause I've been craving him the whole day,plus we haven't talked since the interaction in the car,I was wiping fishes with Trina and she was telling me on all the dirt happening Tasha's life and girl she is WILD!

Trina:I should've told that Tasha fancies Terrence cause I would never cross that line
Taraji:Trina don't worry about it,I know how manipulative Tasha can be but you need to stand up for yourself! You can't let Tasha dictate your life,you're married and have a child so stop listening to whatever she says and live your life okay!
Trina:Thanks Rahji,I should be the one telling you that cause you're the youngest
Taraji:Don't sweat it out,you should come visit me sometime
Trina:I will do so,I got for you and Terrence for y'all anniversary wait here I'll go fetch it

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