Roxy: Things Don't Always Go As Planned

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As Mark drives, I break the silence.

"Why did you grab me back there? Why wouldn't you let me chase them?"
"Because it wasn't worth it."
"It wasn't worth what? Keeping them from going to the police?"
"You know what? We wouldn't even had to hide a body if it wasn't for you," he yelled in a voice that terrified me. "I was doing you a favor. I kept you from killing two innocent girls."

I ignored him and looked out the window for the rest of the ride home.

And if it weren't for me, you'd be dead right now.


When we stop in front of my house, Mark turns to me.

"Look, I'm sorry. For grabbing you, I'm just still not over the fact that we just disposed of a body."

I really didn't want to listen to Mark right now.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll call you tomorrow."

I hop out of his van and start towards my small, one story house. I only live with my mom. My parents divorced shortly after my brother was born, and my dad and brother live a couple hours away. I only have a small group of friends. Mark, Cristina, and Cody. I was always jealous of Ada. I pretended Ada was a stranger and let Jess introduced us, but I secretly hated her. She has everything I didn't have.

I flop down on my bed and put on a tank top and shorts.

Those girls will get what's coming to them when I stop by Ada's house tomorrow.


When I wake up, I look at my clock.


I walk over to my closet and look through my clothes. I finally pull out jeans and a red and white striped shirt.

When I finish getting dressed, I look around my room. My walls are a salmon color and I have a black carpet covering my floor. I own a small, twin sized bed in the corner, and a small dresser next to it. I also have a bookshelf with four shelves. I only keep books on the bottom half and my makeup and perfume on the second shelf. In the top shelf, I keep a bunch of little memoirs and pictures.

I stop looking around my room and pull my sneakers on. After I grab my phone and keys, I walk out the door to my car.


Even though I know Ada's address, I never actually knew what her house looked like. It was a huge, two story house with a front yard as big as my house.

I guess it pays to have two parents that work as surgeons.

I walk towards her house and knock on the door. As I wait for someone to answer, I check my phone.


Just then, a beautiful woman who looks like shes in her mid-forties opens the door.


"And who do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh, I'm just a friend of your daughter. Is she home?"

"Yes. She's right upstairs. Her room is at the first door to your right."

I walk upstairs and stop in front of her door. As I lift my hand to knock, the door opens and Ada is standing in front of me, her expression a mixture between shock and fear. Behind her is Callie who also has the same expression, but with more hatred than fear or shock.

I then said something that Ada and Callie didn't seem to like.

"We need to have a little chat...."

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