Happily Ever After

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Let me riddle you a ditty

It's just a itty bitty little

Thing on my mind

I have a story to tell for everyone to hear. There might be thousands but this one's mine and I'm glad it is.

About a boy and a girl

Trying to take on the world one kiss at a time

This story is about a girl and a boy facing the world on their own. Facing the harsh world together. Holding each other's hand and never letting go.

Now the funny thing about it,

ain't a story without it,

but the story is mine

and I with I could saw that it ended just fine

This is about me and my love. We were just kids when we meet and we fell in love. Everyone said we were to young but we didn't care. We were so really close that it was hard to believe that we were ever apart. Then one day his family had to leave and move away taking him with them.

Oh skip to the ending

Who'd like to know?

I'd like to know

Author of the moment

Can you tell me?

Do I end up, do I end up happy?

I was a mess after that but we kept in touch. Before he left he told me not to say good bye just see you later because good bye means forever. I had to let him go but I knew I would see him again no matter where we were we loved each other.

Inhale, breathe, steady, exhale,

like you're ready,

If your're ready or not

Just a boy and a gitl gonna take on the world,

and we wanna get caught

I had to try and not break down when he was driving away. I took a deep breathe and tried not to cry. I just kept telling myself we would see each other again.

In the middle of a very happy ending,

let's see what we got

Let's give it a shot

Let's give it a shot

Our parents said we could e-mail or face time. It seemed so wierd seeing him but not being with him but I had to give it a shot. We talked all the time. Telling stories and trading secrets. It seemed like we got even closer even into our high school years. We never stopped talking to each other.

We all wanna know how it ends

Oh happily ever after,

wouldn't you know,

wouldn't you know

Oh skip to the ending

Who'd like to know?

I'd like to know

I wanted to see him so bad. We only visited a few times but I still missed him. I wanted us to be together. We both went to college and we promised we'd meet as soon as possibly. I did want that but I wanted him to stay with me and never leave again. It hurt to know I can't see him but I knew he was still with me no matter what anyone said or did.

Author of the moment,

can you tell me?

Do I end up, do I end up happy?

If anyone could tell me what would happen I would give up anything to know. As long as I could be with him.

We all have a story to tell.

And this one was mine. Now I was here with him by my side knowing he would never leave me again. We were finally together and nothing could ever separate us ever again. I finally got my happily ever after.


Sorry if its bad. I tryed but thanks for reading and please comment :)

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