2. Odin Parker

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Rhode Island 2026

I woke up to the sound of the wind blowing against the trees. Thank goodness it was already noon. It was a cloudy Sunday. I didn't live with my parents like the others, I never even knew them. The head of the orphanage told me my parents died not long after my birth because when they found me, my parents were dead next to me, presumably because of the attacks. But that doesn't matter now, they're gone for good. I lived alone in a old little shed that was abandoned. It had been covered in blood due to the hearts that I had taken with me. I had eaten about a hundred hearts in that little shed, but I've eaten just under 2000 hearts in total. I got up and got changed to go to the little shop that was about 10 minutes from the shed. I quickly got changed and left with 5 bucks.

"Hello Xavi" said the man behind the register.

"Hello Patrick" I replied. Patrick was a nice guy. He knew me because I came here everyday to get my 'normal' food. He also has a son who was 17. His name was Odin. Odin was 2 years younger than me but that didn't really matter. We instantly became best friends for multiple reasons. We both like horror, anime and we're both gay. We often went to the woods where the shed was but we never went to the shed because I didn't want him to see my stuff in the shed.

"The daily?" Patrick asked. I nodded and passed him the 5 bucks I had in my pocket. He then gave a white bag with ramen noodles, soda and some fruit. 

"Bye Xavi!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Odin.

"Bye Odin!" I yelled back blushing slightly. I was almost at the shed when I heard a familiar deep voice.

"I know you're here Hunter! Xavi Hunter I know you can here me!" I recognised the voice. It was the voice of...

You probably hate me for leaving it on a cliff hanger but I'll update it asap.

Song of the chapter: Two Steps From Hell - Undying Love

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