I wiped my eyes.

"Please forgive me?" He said.

I nod, barely able to speak.

"I forgive you." I say.

He smiled. He handed me the flowers. I sniffed them, smiling through my tears. I placed them on the island counter and pulled him into me.

I buried my face in his neck, laughing through my tears. He rubbed my back.

"Oh my god. Just don't do that ever again." I say, giggling.

"I won't." He said.

I pulled away from him.

"Gimme kiss." He said.

I kiss his soft pink lips, smiling.

"I love you baby." He said.

"I love you too." I say.

He kissed me again.

"Some people are missing." He muffled against my lips.

"The twins are on the couch asleep. If you wanna join, go ahead. You look like you're tired." I say.

"I am." He said.

"Well go join the twins, I'm gonna figure out what to do for dinner." I say.

He nods. He kissed me one last time, before joining the boys on the couch.

"Jaylen missed you a lot." I say.

"When does he not? I can't even go to the bathroom without him throwing a fit." He said.

I chuckle.

"Go to sleep. I'll see you guys in a few hours." I say.

Those are my boys 😍.


Dak had his left arm wrapped around the twins protectively. He laid behind both of them, as all of them slept peacefully.

I took a picture of them all and posted it on snap. I made sure to save the picture, then I posted it on Instagram.

My caption being: They missed their daddy so much. Wake up boys! Daddy's home 😋. Best dad award goes to @_4dak. Lol, I love you baby 😘. #LittlePrescotts #TwinBoys #HouseOfBoys #WheresMyGirl.

I smiled as I received over 400 likes within the minute of it being posted. I made my way into the kitchen to finish up the Chicken Cutlets, String Beans and mashed Potatoes.

Jaylen claims that mashed potatoes are his favorite and Jayden claims that he loves string beans. Both are in love with the chicken cutlets. Especially when I cut them up into little squares pieces for them.

Why? They like to dip it in duck sauce on the side. Also because I don't want them using knives at the age of two.

I woke them up once I finished the food. I recorded their reaction to Dak laying with them.

"Daddy!!!" Both exclaimed, hugging Dak tightly.

He chuckled at them.

"Is that daddy?" I say.

"Yeah!" Jaylen answered.

"Daddy make mama mad." Jayden exclaimed.

"Not anymore Jayden. Mama's happy now." Dak said.

Jayden looked at me and I smiled.

"Otay!" He exclaimed.

I laugh as he holds his arms up to me. I pick him up off of Dak. Dak carried Jaylen to the kitchen.

We all sat down and prayed before eating. After that, we all ate our food. Sharing small laughs here and there. Dak telling his made up stories about me while I giggled and rolled my eyes.

Then it switched to talk about the new baby on the way. Dak was saying how he was hoping for another boy, but I told him I was hoping for a girl. I told him I don't know if I'd be able to handle another damn boy in this house.

"You've been handling us well for 2 years now, I don't understand what the problem is." He said.

"Adding 3 more to the house? That's a disaster waiting to happen. You tryna give me all these boys, when I can barely handle these two plus you." I say.

"You foul for that." He said, chuckling.

"Could we at least skip protocol and hope for a girl? It would really make me happy." I say, pouting.

"Depends on what my seed decides." He said, shrugging.

"Well before we go to sleep, talk to ya mans and see what he up to. Cuz um...I'm tryna have a girl." I say.

He laughed.

"Aight baby girl, I got you." He said.

"You better." I say.

He smiled at me. We finished our food and I washed dishes. Jayden volunteered to help. Jaylen just sat on the counter watching while Dak was upstairs showering.

I smiled, thinking about the expansion of the family.

I can't wait 😃.

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