The Warrior Battle

Start from the beginning

"And you say that he just fainted after the battle sissy?" asked a different female voice.

"Yes Kuroko, for the seventh time yes. I say it one more time. That thing over there he called his best friend change into something huge. And after the battle, the creature returned to its normal form and the boy fainted with him." Said the voice that sounded like Mikoto Misaka.

"Agumon." Said Sam as he was slowly waking up. That got the two girls attention. "And for you information, Agumon is not a it. Agumon is my best friend. So be nice to him please." said Sam as he got up from the place he was sleeping on, which was a green couch. 

Sam notice a girl with red hair that has been turn into pig tails. That is Kuroko Shirai.

 That is Kuroko Shirai

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"I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." said Mikoto as she bowed an apology to him. But Kuroko........well, lets just say she is giving him the stink eye. As well as a dark aura that emitting from her as it was clear she doesn't trust Sam.

"Excuse me but why is she giving me the stink eye?" asked Sam. Mikoto give Kuroko, without looking, a good lighting jolt that made Kuroko to be covered in burns. Kuroko was twitching on the floor.

"You have to forgive her. She is just not the person to trust new people right then." she said with just a smile. After a while Kuroko recovered.

"Oh! Okay." Said Sam. "Wait! Where's Agumon? Where did my buddy go?" asked Sam as he was looking everywhere in the room for Agumon.

"Oh him? He is right there." said Kuroko, as she recovered from the shock, as she pointed to where Uiharu is. She had Agumon, while he was sleeping, siting on a counter while she is typing stuff on a computer.

Sam recognize the girl right away. "You the girl I saved from that gang of thugs." said Sam.

Uiharu then recognize him as well. "You the boy that saved me!" Said Uiharu.

"Wait a minute Uiharu. You saying that this is the boy that saved your life from that gang of thugs?" asked Kuroko. Uiharu nodded to say yes.

Kuroko then went up to Sam. She then bowed to him repeatedly. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for saving her." She said while still bowing. 

Sam placed his hand on her head on patted. "Its okay really. I was just doing what I felt was the right thing to do." said Sam with a smile.

Kuroko then smiled at him back. "So um, Uiharu, Mikoto and Kuroko, how is Agumon doing?" asked Sam as he was worried about his best friend.

"Oh, he is fine. I did a scan on him while he was asleep." Said Uiharu. "Did you by any chance find out what his species is? Because he told me can't remember anything. All he knows is his name and what he is."

"No. Sadly no. But I did find out something interesting. I found out that his body is made of Digital codes. And from watching from the old cameras that were still working at that old industry, I conclude that your friendship made him changed his form." said Uiharu as she told him what she found out so far.

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