Cough Syrup

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"Ugh I cannot get rid of this cold for the life of me." Shonda moaned blowing her nose for the 11th time in the past 20 minutes.
"I gotta make a run anyways" her boyfriend Donault yelled from the bathroom. "I'll grab you some cough syrup on the way home baby."
"Thank you." She replied rolling her eyes.
Shonda and Donault started this journey together the summer of 2001. They were 14. Shonda immediately saw potential in young Donault. See Shonda liked to think of herself as mature for her age. She knew what type of man she wanted in the future, she thought she saw that type of man in Donault. Donault on the other hand simply saw a beautiful young girl who he couldn't wait to touch.
The two and there group of friends hung out every day that summer. And Shonda found herself in a situation that at 14 years old she had no idea how to handle. Shonda was innocent when she met Donault but she was so comfortable with him, and sure that they would be with each other a long time she allowed him into her flower bed. This was a decision she regretted shortly after. Because the relationship between them was never quite the same. As the summer was coming to an end the two had still been together daily but they had never spent actual time alone. It was always in a group setting. Shonda started to wonder what would happen once school started again as she was going Handlin High School and Donault was going to New Horizons High School. She would ask Donault questions like
"What are we?" and "Are you going to make me your girlfriend."
All the time. His way of pleasing her and not actually answering the questions would be to say
"Why you asking questions you know the answer to?"
In her mind the two were a couple, and they were in love, and they would be together for a long time. In his mind however he had grown tired of Shonda. Problem is he never communicated that to her. He continued to gas her head, play in her garden, and even went as far as making sure other guys weren't thinking about pursuing her. However when school started that fall Donault went his way and Shonda went hers. She reached out to him for the first few weeks in hopes that nothing was going to change and the two would continue the relationship. Shonda realized quickly that her summer love with Donault was just that.
"Who is driving like that?" Shonda questioned as she made her way to the window being nosey. She noticed the white impala that seemed to have pulled out of her driveway but quickly flew back down the street. Seconds later Donault had come inside and threw the cough syrup at her.
"Here, hopefully you shut the hell up coughing and hacking soon that shits getting annoying." He said turning back around to go upstairs.
"Who just dropped you off?" She yelled.
"Why are you worried about me damn? See that's what I be talking about you so damn insecure."
"I wouldn't be insecure if you...."
"Shut up my phones ringing!" He interrupted.
Shonda took 2 tablespoons of the cough syrup and went into the bathroom. Where she listened to Donault on the phone
"NO don't turn around." He yelled nervously. "I'll get it from you tomorrow."
Shonda then put the pieces together and remembered that Donaults baby mother drove a white impala.

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