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Ron groaned as another flirt passed through his brother's lips, last night it was Fred, this morning it was George, both of whom where positively ecstatic that Harry had the audacity to flirt with them. Both. When they where in the same room. Even at the same fucking time!

Hell, Ginny was also flirted with, but the stupid bugger didn't know when to stop it. And he really fucking needed to.

Hermione only beamed and continued the Christmas homework for Charms as Harry and George continued deeper into the flirting. When Fred came in it had potential to get even worse.

(When Fred came in, it actually did. He slid into the seat next to George and took half of the response for the words Harry had just spoken.)

Ron remembered when this had actually started, Harry's sexuality was not by any means secret, nor did it swing toward the male population, Harry was just a flirt (one of the few things he actually learned how to do when he was young).

And Harry also enjoyed messing with Ron.

"Damn, Ron. I'm dating your sister, but even I'd tap that." Harry grinned at Ron.

They'd sat across the table from Bill that night and when Bill made a joke, Harry hadn't been able to resist the accompanying dirty language that usually followed such fowl thinking.

Bill had made a flirty comment with a wink and Harry had responded in kind with a smirk. Molly and Arthur laughed because they knew Bill didn't swing that way anymore that Harry did, they knew it was just play. Hermione had rolled her eyes and gone back to her Potions book. Everyone else was either amused (Charlie), flabbergasted (Percy), or three seconds from hitting the floor because they where containing their laughter (the twins).

Ron had looked floored. He'd gone pale and looked almost ashamed as his eyes went back and forth between his brother and his best friend.

Charlie was next. Surprisingly, he'd actually sought Harry out. That morning at breakfast, he'd made a crude comment and Harry responded the same way he had with Bill.

Ron looked floored again, but less surprised. Percy nearly vomited into his food at a few suggestive words, the twins had fallen to the floor with the force behind their laughing. Hermione rolled her eyes a second time, but watched with a fond smile.

Percy was skipped over, save a few flirting words here and there (because he wasn't left out, Harry just respected that while Percy was fine with it when it was his siblings, it wasn't fun for him and he'd prefer it not happen, Harry accommodated that, but still had his fun).

Fred and George where caught together that night and they looked thrilled to be in on the action.

That was the night Ron had groaned into his meat, hit his head on the table, and then got up to head to his room (suddenly he didn't feel hungry anymore).

The next morning, Ron got up to find Harry wearing George's sweater (the most recent one that he'd gotten for Christmas). That night (and throughout the day) he'd switched to Fred's.

Ron was also skipped over save a few flirting words.

Ginny took it all in stride. She flirted back, letting Harry as close as he wanted (still not as far as Fred and George though. They let him touch and feel), she even let him pet her hair, braided it!

"Damn it, Harry! You can't take all my siblings!" Ron shouted that afternoon when Harry was flirting with the twins again.

Harry cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "Don't worry Ron. You can keep Percy."

The next seven days, Ron woke to find Harry wearing a different Weasley sweater every morning.

After a few weeks, the only ones he flirted with where Fred and George because they where the only ones that still flirted back.

Harry had stopped when he found it upset Fleur, Charlie had laughed and after a while said Harry wasn't his type after all (which gave Harry heads up that he was getting uncomfortable with it and wanted to stop). Ginny had flat out told Harry to quit one night while they where alone, then kissed his cheek and said thanks for the fun but she wasn't going on any more.

Fred and George where more than happy to continue on with the game, if it messed with Ron or any of their other siblings, then they'd do it.

At this point, Ron wouldn't be surprised if Harry stared flirting with the owls.

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