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Louis pov

Wedding bells were rung, the church was decorated in white and pink. The reverend father was on the alter with his bible and cross, dressed in a white robe. The whole place felt pure.

I held mia, my wife to be. It felt fake, I didnt feel any passion, i felt deserted.

"This hand I'm holding, I dont intend on letting it go-", I said with an emotional tone, but was interrupted by some rugged thugs.

"This isn't gonna happen, shes ours!", a guy in his late 40s who looked like their leader said, disgustingly. I left mia and went forward, she tried to hold me back but I told her everything is gonna be alright. She believed me and gave me a sad smile with a tear droppin from her eyes.

"If you think you can take her, you'll have to get through me first", I raged. I looked at them with courage preparing for a fight, I took my suit jacket off, loosened my tie and rolled my sleeve up.

"What are you waiting for?, attack!", he shouted at his followers and they moved forward trying to get a grip of his hand.

I heard mia screaming and crying at the top of her voice and it made me think about my life. The opposing team vs me. They had all the weapons with them and I had nothing but strenght and stamina.

I attacked almost all of them and they were lying on the floor. I made way to attack their leader but his followers started getting up, I fought and fought and fought until I had no more strenght.
With blood dripping from the side of my lips, I got weaker and weaker. I picked a gun from one of the fighters that was on the floor and dusted it. "I'm ready", I soliloquised and closed my eyes.

"Drop the gun", I heard and opened my eyes only to see alot of guys with a gun pointed at me. I heard mia pleading with them that she'll follow them but they didnt give her attention.

I stubbornly dropped the gun and looked at mia for the last time because I knew it was the end. I smiled knowing I was gonna leave this life. The leader of the gang pointed his gun at me and aimed at my chest. A tear slipped from my eyes and I kept on walkimg, he shot again, I kept on walking till I got the camera man.

"Cut!", I said calmly, thinking about my life. "Whats the problem?, are you tired, you dont like the make up?, mia isnt good for you?", the production officer kept asking with cofusion in his voice.

"I'm not acting this play unless you change the lines. I cant die like like this, not in real life, not in a movie", with this, I walked out of the premises into the parking lot. Searched for my car keys and drove to the hospital.

I wore a hoodie, with scarf round my neck and sunshade to disguise myself because I wasnt in the mood for girls running and screaming my name, for camera men tryna get some information. I just wanted to hear the truth.

I walked into the hospital and demanded to see the doctor. "Wait over there, hes on his way", the receptionist said pointing a chair opposite the rest room.

I glanced round the hospital and found the doctor coming towards my direction. When he finally got here, he motioned me to his office. I stood up reluctantly and walked into the office.

He wore his spectacles and cleared his throat. "Can you check if you made a mistake in the test", I said blankly.
I wanted him to say "yes, i did".

"I definitely didnt. You have and that means you have only a year or less than to live since it was discovered late and it has no cure", he said with concern. I checked his name tag for his name, Doc. McPherson. "His name wasnt any good", I soliloquized.

"Who are you to say that. What if I say I wanna live and not die. Its not your decision", I said visibly angry.

"It doesnt change anything", he said casually.

I stood up and left the room. I moved out of the hospital and walked over to the car, a white versache.

I got into the car and sat down there quietly. My phone rang, I checked the caller id, it read Mark.

He is my manager, was annoying at times. I picked it and answered. "Hello"

"Why did you call the movie off, are you outta your mind. Your fans are expecting todays episode and we have nothing to give them and you dont have any reason for that! Have you checked your social media, you're spoiling your career-" having heard enough, I hung up.

I drove home and locked the front and the back door. The only person that stood there for me was buddy, my dog. My mum rejected me so I'm left alone.

I walked straight into the shower and had my bath. 30 minutes later, I got dressed again. I disguised myself and went into my mom's restaurant. She hates me, i love her, I want her back. I want her to care for me the way Un I care for her.

"Hey, I want steak!", I shouted casually. The restaurant was half filled. "We dont have steak", my mum replied, shooting a glare at me.

"Then what are they eating, how will a shop that specializes in steak wont have steak, I want 100 of them", I said pointing at the table behind me.

"We're not selling steak to you", she said angrily, getting up and going into the kitchen.

"I said I want it!!!", I screamed back at her, everyone was now looking at us. I removed mh glasses and scarf. Then the girls around kept on gasping and taking pictures. That was when my uncle came in.

"whats the problem" he asked...'she wont give me steak", I replied still angry.

"I'll go get it", he said making a step when my mum stopped him.

"You arent getting anything for him, make sure that when he leaves, sprinkle salt to purify the place', with that she went up stairs.

I stood up and went to the next table. "Hah, can I get some steak?", I asked and waited for the reply. Having heard any, I picked up the fork and took a bite. Gosh I missed that.

"Heres your money for the 100 steaks", I handed them the bill as I made my way out of the restaurant, driving home.

Hey guys, how was it? Thanks again for reading.
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Have a great week

Bye, love Eunice

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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