Open Your Eyes

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Be the star who shines bright in the darkness...

Star can't shines in the darkness of life...

Shine bright like a diamond...

Open your eyes...

Sure you read this with your eyes open, right?

Look around you,

What do you see?

A table? People pass by? Some muggles around doing magic by their own even we know that is just an illusion?

Life is just like an illusion,

Ever seen a magic trick?

Everything you see, you got amazed by them.

Even if you know that is just an illusion.

You got amazed by their tricks and even worse, do you BELIEVE what you see?

Have you ever seen it in another perspective?

Have you ever see them practicing to make it real to your eyes?

You tried to think how they put the person on all lock chains with hands and foot chained together and the person escaped easily?

They're doing tricks, illusion and to make you believe that what you see is real.

Earning money by fooling people?

I mean, who wants a dirty money?

Actually, it is an illusion to trick you.

That is people, the public, the life you enjoy now...

Is a trick to make you believe...

Its all start from believing an illusion, trying to make yourself like you are happy and no problems around you.

Open your eyes...

What have you done this day?

Helping an old woman crossing the streets?

Sharing food with family? Friends?

Killing some innocent animal or bugs?

Mad at your student?

Angry at your boss?

Regret what you did in the past?

That is life, life is like a plot.

Its like you make a story, but you need a plot or some draft to start.

God knows what is better for you...

Like a prophecy...

Ever read Rick Riordan stories?

Percy Jackson?

Magnus Chase?

The Characters? The Gods?

They are based on mythology...

Get inspired.

Get lost.

In the story.

How about Harry Potter?

The Boy who lived from the unforgivable curse?

The Chosen one to defeat his biggest enemy?

The boy who lost all the people he loved?

In some time, we need the dark to make us shine.

The darker your life is,
The bigger challenge to shine brighter

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