Even when I was in gym, I still felt like I couldn't stay still. I felt pretty restless, which ultimately made sense because I hadn't had very restful nights. My body was feeling two different things, I felt like running around, but then again I felt like I could just lay down and hopefully take a nap.

Winston must've noticed my discomfort because he looked me over. "Are you okay?"

"I think so".

"Oh, you seem... Uncomfortable".

"I am" I bit my lip as I looked around.

"You should probably sit down then".

"I've been sitting down all day" I complained. "I still feel like shit but I don't want to sit down".

"Let's walk the track then".

I nodded in agreement at Winston's suggestion. I let him take my hand in his as we began to walk. We didn't say much as we walked, we just both observed what other people were doing around us. Jasper and his group of friends were running around with a football because that's all they ever did in gym. Some other people were throwing around a frisbee, and of course there were some students hanging out on the bleachers.

All it took was one glance his way for Chresanto to stand up and bound down the bleachers. This time I didn't avoid him like this morning, I just kept walking with Winston. Chresanto was going to catch up to us, and he was going to want to speak with me. I wasn't so sure about what, but I guess I was about to find out.

"You ignored me this morning" Chresanto announced when he was standing in front of Winston and I.

I looked at him, my eyebrows a bit furrowed. "Did I?"

"Yeah, and you know that you did".

"Hm, I guess, yeah".

"Why did you ignore me?"

"Because I didn't want to talk".

"You were talking to Winston before I even called your name".

"I didn't want to talk to you" I admitted.

Chresanto stared at me and I stared back. I was waiting for him to speak because it's not like I was the one who called him over so we could talk.

"Do you feel like talking now? Because I need to talk to you".

"Not particularly, but what do you want?" I asked, leaning against Winston and watching the way Chresanto glared at him when he wrapped his arm around me.

"I'd actually like to speak with you alone".


"Because I want to?"

I continue to stare at Chresanto before slowly shaking my head. "I'm really not in the best of moods right now, maybe later?"

"When will later be?"

"I don't know, just... Later".

Chresanto sighed in obvious frustration, "so this is how it's just going to continue to be, huh? You're just going to keep avoiding me like I'm the fucking the plague?"

"I'm not fucking avoiding you this time, Chresanto, I genuinely do not feel good. I'm not in the mood to deal with whatever bullshit you've got to talk to me about. I said I'll talk to you later so just accept the fact that later isn't right now" I ranted, frowning at how upset I was getting at him.

I had no intention of starting a small argument with him when he walked over here, but here I was glaring at him and slightly irritated. This wasn't what I needed right now, getting worked up so easily over him.

"Maybe you should leave now" Winston muttered, glancing at Chresanto.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"You said it, not me".

"I truly do not like you".

"The feeling is mutual".

I looked up at Winston in surprise, he's never talked this much to Chresanto before. I remember him telling me that Chres was really intimidating so it was a shock to me that he was even responding.

"Come on, lets go" I urged gently, pulling Winston's arm so he would start walking again. We walked around Chresanto and continued to walk the track.

"He gets on my fucking nerves" Winston grumbled.


"You don't need to apologize, it's not like it's your fault".

"I mean... It kind of is... The only reason he keeps bothering us is because of me. He doesn't like me not being with him, and here I am with you. You have what he wants, which is me, and I'm not being very cooperative with him".

"You can do whatever the hell you want" Winston stated, "you don't have to go back to him if you don't want to. He has to realize that everything isn't going to go his way. So what if he doesn't like me hanging out with you? He better learn to get over it".

I guided Winston away from the track and sat down on the bleachers, making him sit down beside me. I looked at him before reaching up to smooth out the wrinkles that were on his forehead due to how hard he was frowning and glaring. His facial expression softened almost immediately.

"I wish I could tell him off but I'll probably get my ass beat if I do and I'm really not trying to have that happen".

I laughed a little at what he'd just told me.

"I don't want you to get your ass beat either, Winnie" I offered him a small smile. "You don't have to tell Chresanto off, I can handle him on my own".

"I know you can, and I'm not saying you can't, but it just bothers me that he's still bothering you".

"I guess he'd stopped bothering me if I just did what he wanted, if I just talked to him".

"Is that what you want to do? Because I think you should only do what you want".

"I think it would be best if I did".

"Okay" Winston sighed.

"Winnie the Pooh is getting all riled up" I joked weakly, hoping to lighten up the mood some.

It worked, because Winston laughed and gave me a gentle nudge. "Shut up". He stared at me, an eyebrow quirked out of interest. "How come you don't have a nickname?"

"Well, considering you never gave me one..."

"I could call you Jake, but I don't really like it that much. Jay doesn't work either, so I guess you'll just have to be Jacob".

"What a shame that is" I sarcastically replied.

"I'd have to call you Christopher Robin or Piglet, but those don't even sound remotely close to your name, so".

I smiled at Winston but I didn't speak. He was too busy scanning the football field to notice me basically staring him down. I appreciated him getting defensive over me when it came to Chresanto, but I would really hate for that to backfire on him.

I don't know what I would do if I knew I was the reason why Winston got hurt.

(A/N: I graduated high school yesterday! Which means less responsibility and smoother updates. This chapter was pretty much just a filler, but Winston seems to be getting tired of Chresanto. What do you think of Winston voicing his opinion on the situation between Chresanto and Jacob?)

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