Bad Zayn

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Harry was taking Zayn to the grocery store Zayn was sleeping until the got to the store which took 1hr , they where almost

There Harry turned around to wake Zayn up when he saw that Zayn was sucking on his thumb it was pretty cute.

"Zaynie wake up baby we are here"-H

"No I don't want to leave me alone" whined Zayn

"Zayn get up or else you will get time out"-H

Harry and Zayn where inside the store grabbing fruit ,milk,and all those stuff .

Niall asked Harry to buy some diapers for Zayn so they were in the baby aisle Harry put the diapers in the cart and was passing stuff animals .

"Harry can I get a stuff animal "-Z

"No you just got new once yesterday "

"Please I really want it " whined Zayn

"Zayn stop I said no " as soon as Harry said that Zayn throw himself to the ground and stared kicking his arms and legs crying .

Harry got really mad so he grabbed a Zayn how was still kicking so he gave him a warning spanky , Harry payed and went to the car he

Buckled Zayn in the backseat and got in the car and ride home .

Harry pov.

Zayn was still crying and he had a bugger coming out of his nose ,he was also sucking on his thumb .I went to the side of the row and

got out of the car and went to the backseat to talk to Zayn

"Zayn calm down and stop sucking your thumb" I said cleaning Zayn's nose .

Once his nose was clean I got in the driver seat and went home.

"Zayn I want you in the corner do you understand "

"Y......yes s.....sir " Zayn ran inside to the corner he stayed there while I talked to Niall .

"Zayn you are getting a 5 spankys ok "

"Yes sir "

After Zayn's punishment was do they watched Dumbo and Zayn felt asleep epithet his pacifier on his mouth .


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