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I woke up to a bright sunny day in my powderpuff pink room. My family had just moved to Madisonville from Huntsville and today was my first day as an official Madisonville student.

I rolled over on my bed trying to get a couple more minutes of sleep when my dad walked in my room.

"Kassie come on. It's your first day of school and I can't be late to work."

I groaned in frustration as I threw my giant teddy bear at him. Which didn't get very far because I'm halfway asleep and the bear is huge.

"Love you too," my dad says laughing slightly.

Groaning I sat up and opened my arms for our morning hug as dad comes and embraces me.

"Hurry up now," he says walking out of my room.

"Yes'sir," I say with an army salute. My dad shoots me a death glare that makes me chuckle and walks out the door.

Sliding the covers off, I climbed out of bed and immediately brushed my teeth and hair. Then I entered my walk in closet and chose a grey t-shirt with a pair of blue jeans and my favorite boots.

Picking up my backpack I look one last time at my room. This powderpuff pink has got to go. It gives me a headache just looking at it. Shuddering from the horrible color of my room I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where my step mother is cooking.

"Hey pookie," I joyfully say as I walk up to her. She's in her work clothes with an apron tied loosely around her neck. I love my step mom as if she where my real mom, in fact maybe even more, my real mom and I just never clicked.

"Kassie why don't you call her by her real name," my dad yells from the living room.

"Because Rebeca is too official, pookie is better," I yell back.

Laughing pookie flips a pancake over and turns to hang her apron on the hook special just for it.

Pookie is an average woman with dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a big personality. Every time one of my friends came over she was the one that ensured we would have fun simply by being in the same room. When I think of pookie I think of my best friend, you can talk to her any way you want to about anything and it will never be weird.

I've always been envious of that because I am the awkwardest person of all time. I can't even start a proper conversation with the elderly. Which is really disappointing because that's all they do is talk and I enjoy talking with them yet I can't start a simple conversation. That's probably the main reason I don't have many friends. But this is a new day and I refuse to live in the past.

My older brother Gary walks in the kitchen looking crazy in some captain America pjs. I start laughing at his wild brown hair.

"Gary please tell me your not going to school looking like that," pookie said with grin.

"What's wrong with this," Gary said looking himself up and down. He soon realized his mistake and grined at pookie, "you don't like my new look?"

"Huh, I'd reconsider that new look mister."

"Fine, I'll go change," he said turning on his heel and walking back upstairs.

"Well, that does it. I'll see you at about 5:30ish," pookie said squeezing me tightly.

"I'll be here," I said back.

"Bye gremlin, see you at 4:00ish," my dad said kissing me on my cheek.

"Can't wait," I said back.

Walking out the door my dad and pookie disappeared for the day.

"Are you ready Kassie," my brother says stuffing his face with last minute pancakes.

"Ready as I'll ever be, I said back confidently.

We walked out the door and climbed into my brother's truck. I took a big breath as the wheels started rolling. Hopefully I don't screw this up.


Hey guys! So this is my first book ever. I'm not really sure how I'm gonna carry this out but we'll burn that bridge when we get there. Please comment and vote. Thanks for reading.

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