And the most important thing, I have found my Keeper.

I discovered that the humans call them soul mates, but in the human world it is very hard to find your soul mate. Some don't even believe in it; I'd hate to live like that.

Being a Soul Waker, it's impossible for us to love anyone but our Keeper, and I am so lucky to have found mine.

I love you, Zach Myers <3 I think I would die if you ever read this, though.

I threw the book down on my bed. What the hell did I just read? It was definitely my handwriting, but it was like reading someone else's words.

Did I really write that? And what the hell is a Soul Waker? I sighed, rubbing my forehead. Okay, now I am thoroughly confused.

A spell, huh? Well there's always a way to reverse or break a spell, right? Okay, so I just had to figure out how. It couldn't be that hard, right?


4 hours! That's how long I've spent browsing the internet, trying to find a way to break the spell. Nothing! I need like a supernatural being wiki or something. Is that a thing? If not, it should be. I also tried to decode the language used in my...diary but I couldn't find anything on it, nothing.

Maybe it was time I asked Zach, if he's... like me, then surely he would be able to read the contents.

But wait, me in the book said I would die if he ever read it...why is everything so complicated?

The day was nearly gone already so I decided to take a break and eat something, my stomach was going wild. So, I went downstairs and cooked me some dinner, vouching to just curling up on the sofa and watching a movie.

About halfway through the movie, my phone started ringing, and I lazily checked the caller ID to see my auntie's name flashing on the screen. Checking in, I guess.

"Hello?" I answered, pausing the movie.

"Hey sweetie, just checking in." Figured.

"Everything's fine, I'm fine, I've eaten, the house is still in one piece and I haven't killed the cat."

"We don't have a cat."

"Right...we should get one."

"Not a chance, anyway we'll be back pretty late tomorrow, so we won't see you until after school."

"Okay, well I'll see you then."

"Yes, you will, have a good night, honey. We love you."

"Love you too."

The call ended and I went to set my phone down when it started ringing again, I rolled my eyes before hitting the answer button once more.

"I told you everything's fine!"

"Uh, good to know." Zach chuckled and I blushed scarlet.

"Heh, sorry. I thought you were my auntie."

"Figured. What you up to?"

"Just watching a movie, nothing special. You?"

"Nothing. Just lying in bed."

"Hmm, can I join you?" I asked seductively, feeling a smirk growing on my face as I heard Zach chuckle through the phone.

"You're done fighting it then?"

"Can you really call that fighting? All you have to do is touch me and I'm weak at the knees... and what am I saying?" A blush took over my face, hearing Zach laugh aloud.

Memento (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now