"Thank you." The teacher smiled satisfied.

For some reason my eyes strayed over to where Zach sat, his eyes again on me, holding a look of desire that made me look away with a blush burning on my face. What the hell?

"So, let's analyse this poem. Can anyone tell me what they think it means?" The teacher spoke again, glancing around the room.

"Anyone? Jake, what about you?" She called out my friend and I couldn't help but roll my eyes, this should be fun.

"Uh...that the world is ending?" He guessed and my hand instantly went up to my face.

Only Jake could trigger an automatic face palm out of me. Jake sat tense in his seat, clearly wanting to be out of the spotlight.

"Interesting analysis, Jake, maybe next time you could listen to the words more closely, feel them if you will," the teacher said slowly, looking at my friend in pity.

"Adrian, why don't you explain what you think it means?" She smiled my way and I had to stop myself from sighing.

"The author portrays fire as passion and ice as hate. At first, he fathoms fire because of his experience with passion but when he compares his experience with both passion and hate, he concludes that the world could end either way because both are just as destructive. He's saying that fire and ice, though are complete opposites are actually more alike than we think," I explained, wishing to get away from the attention I was suddenly getting from the class, and more importantly the boy that sat on the opposite side of the room. His eyes burned into me, making me squirm under his intense gaze.

"Very good. Thank you, Adrian. You see class, poems always have a deeper meaning behind them than you may think, which makes poems more interesting and enjoyable. Zach, why don't you give us a poem you enjoy?" The classes attention was now off of me and onto Zach.

He quietly cleared his throat before speaking.

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore, is winged cupid painted blind."

His voice was smooth as he spoke, each word rolling off his tongue. I was captivated as I watched him, my heart picking up pace unknowingly. I was lost in him.

"Thank you, Zach. That was beautiful. William Shakespeare is simply my favourite." She smiled, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.

"You and every other English teacher," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

The rest of the lesson was spent on the class reciting poems, I think the teacher forgot we were supposed to be analysing them as well, but nobody complained.

Lunchtime finally rolled around and I breathed a sigh of relief as the bell rang. I slowly made my way to the cafeteria, Jake beside me rambling on about the party he was holding this weekend.

"So, are you sure you can't come?" He asked again for the nth time.

"I'm sure, my aunt and uncle made it perfectly clear they don't want me going," I sighed.

"That sucks, man. It's not going to be the same without you."

We entered the cafeteria together and headed to get food, him a burger and a bottle of water and me a pasta pot and a can of coke.

"Are you joining us?" He asked as we made our way to his-our table.

"Nah, need to pry information from Zach about English class."

"You can ask me."

"Yeah right, like you were paying any more attention than I was," I accused, a smirk on my face which he returned, before it quickly faded.

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