
I grinned widely and turned the console off, deciding I'd had enough of video games for one day.

"Let's go upstairs, Aunt June will be starting dinner soon."

Zach nodded, but remained quiet as he followed after me.

"Welcome to my room!" I exclaimed as we both walked inside.

I threw myself down on my bed, while Zach took a seat in my computer chair.

"What do you think?" I asked, watching him take everything in.

"Nothing's changed," he mumbled.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Um...not much change from the usual teenagers room. It actually matches your dorky personality," he smirked.

"Rude!" I laughed, throwing a pillow at him. He caught it and placed it in his lap, leaning back in my computer chair.

"So, you want to play 20 questions?" I asked.

I wanted to know more about him, wanted to figure out what it was that attracted me to him so much, but something told me answering a few questions wouldn't be enough to achieve that.

"Sure, but let's add a twist to it," he suggested, the mischievousness in his voice instantly grabbing my attention.

"I'm listening..."

"Okay, so we ask each other questions, but instead of the other person answering the question, we've got to guess each other's answers," he explained.

That definitely would make the game ten times harder but that could be quite funny.

"Hmm that could be interesting, okay go." I agreed, trying to tap into my inner psychic.

"Favourite colour?" He started with a smirk.

"Hmm...blue?" I guessed.

"Correct!" He grinned.

"Wow...I got it right on the first try? Maybe I am psychic," I laughed, and he soon joined in. That was definitely a lucky guess.

"Okay, how about...favourite sport?"

"Basketball." The answer flew out of my mouth before I could even think about the question, leaving me feeling confused as I stared down at my bed sheets.


"A-Adrian come help me with dinner, now!" I heard my aunty demand nervously from the other side of the door.

Zach was staring at the pillow in his lap, his face edged with guilt. What the hell is going on around here?


"I'm coming!" I spared Zach one last glance, but he was still staring at the pillow in his lap.

I left the room and headed downstairs to the kitchen where my aunt was cutting up chicken.

"Prep the vegetables for me, please."

I grabbed a knife, moving over to the cutting board and begin chopping up the vegetables for dinner.

"Honey, I left some shopping bags in the hallway on the way in. Could you go grab them for me?"

"Sure." I made my way into the hallway, but stopped at the bottom of the stairs when I heard mumbling voices coming from above.

I know it's rude to eavesdrop, but my curiosity got the better of me and I found myself listening in.

"You shouldn't be here!" I heard my uncle say, his voice full of concern.

Memento (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now