Tomsey imagine

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Author's note: this just a short imainge I wrote for Tom and Kelsey. I hope you all enjoy it! sorry for any spelling errors 


It was an ordinary spring day. The sun was shining down onto the campus ground. The temperature was mild with a slow wind blowing my hair off my shoulders into my back. I was walking back to my dorm with my headphones in. The campus was crowed with college kids just having fun on this nice sunny day. 

“Kels! Kels!” I heard behind me. I paused my music and turned around. Tom, a kid I knew since we were little, was running after me down the hill.

“What’s up Tom?” I asked as I pulled my headphones out of my ears. 

“Where are you going?” He asked when he finally caught up to me. 

“I’m going to my dorm, why?” I asked. 

“Me and my friends-” 

“My friends and I” I corrected him. 

“Whatever but were are having a little picnic on top of the hill. You should come!” Tom said smiling. 

“Sorry Tom but I was planing on studying for my finals.” I said. 

“Come on Kels, you’ve been studying for weeks and you’re already so smart I mean you helped me pass my midterms!” Tom exclaimed. 

“I don’t know Tom-” he took my hands and pulled me closer to him. He gave me that puppy dog look with his lip pout. “Please,” he said. 

“Ugh fine!” I said and he jumped up smiling, ” but if I fail my finals it’s on you!” 

“You’re not going to fail and come one!” He said pulling my hand. 

“I have to put my stuff back I’ll meet you there.” 

” ok but don’t take to long,” he said winking at me and then started running to the top of the hill. I turned around and closed my eye. I can still smell his scent on my and my heart we still racing when he held my hand. I smile and opened my eyes. I walked to my dorm to put my stuff back. 


I started walking up the hill to where Tom said the party was going to be. I had just got there and people I knew were saying hi to me so I said hi back. Everyone looked like they were having fun but I couldn’t find Tom. Then when I passed the table area where the food was I saw a group of girls crowded around a tall dude. He turned around and I saw that it was Tom. I sighed, my heart broke and i could feel my eyes stared to get watery so I decided that he wouldn’t have time to talk to me so I would just leave to study. I don’t understand why I was so upset. It was always like this for Tom, all the girls liked him ever since we were in middle school. I guess I really didn’t care as much when we were younger because like boys and dating was something I didn’t know about. But now, now that I liked him, more then a friend, it was kind of hard to see all the girls throwing themselves at him, cause I want it to be me, and only me being the one he holds. “Kels!” I heard a familiar voice scream. I turned around and blocked the soccer ball from hitting my face but fell down in the process because of the force. 

“Kels are you alright?”

“Yeah Jay I’m alright don’t worry,” I said getting up. 

“See what you did Max!” 

” I am so sorry Kelsey I didn’t see you there.”

” It’s ok Max don’t worry.” 

“Omg!” I same figures girl pushed in between Max and Jay, “Are you ok Kels? Max what did it do!” 

“Michelle I’m find don’t worry” 

“Ok thank god!” Michelle said, ” but where are you going?” 

“Back to my dorm” I said 

“Why?” Jay said. I pointed over to where Tom was with his group of girls. 

“Ugh Tom you idiot,” Max said looking over, ” Kelsey I’m sorry I’ll talk to him.” 

“It’s fine Max, don’t bother him. I just thought since he invited me we would hang out but it’s ok I have to go study for finals” 

“No look we can all just hang out!” Michelle said,” I’ll get Nath, Seev and Nareesha and we can all play some soccer cause if it isn’t soccer Max won’t play.” 

“No! That’s not true!” Max said. 

“Yeah it is!” Nath, Siva, and Nareesha said behind him. 

“Whatever lets just play.” 


We were in the middle of the game and I had got the ball. I had passed everyone on the field and now it was just me against Jay. I was about to kick it when I feel a pair of arms wrap around mine holding me back. The person had their leg between mind and tried to get the ball and kick it the other way. I heard a finial art laugh coming from the person and I realized who it was. 

“Omg Tom stop!” I said and hear that beautiful laugh of his again. He let go of my arms and took the ball away from me. “Tom!” I screamed and then grasped his waist and the we both fell on the grass laughing. 

“Ok we have to remake the teams now” Max said picking up the ball. 

“Why?” Tom said as we sat up, ” this isn’t a real game george.”

“Shut up you!” Max said pointing at Tom. Tom put his hand up in defense. “But I need to talk to Kels for a sec.” 

“You think-” Max started. 

“Yeah no problem,” Michelle said smiling, “come on Max.” Tom got up and took my hand to pull me up. We walking and under the tree with the shade. 

“What’s up?” I asked. 

“I saw you got here but then you started to leave. Why’d you do that?” He asked. 

“We’ll I though you and I were going to hangout but you were hanging out with other people.” 

“Kels,” he said taking my hand in his. My heart started to beat really fast. “You know you can alway interrupted cause I will alway put you first.” 

“Really?” I said breathless. I didn’t know I meant so much to him. “Why?” 

“Cause you’re my everything. You were there for me since the beginning and you never let me down. You were my first friend and we have been through so much together. You believe in me and heck you applied to the same colleges as me just so were could stay together! You know you could have gone to a better school!” 

“That’s cause I love you Tom!” I said. He smiled he cheeky smile when her heard that. His eyes shined like the sun in the sky. He cupped my cheeks, “I love you too, more then you know,” he pulled me in and our lips touched I smiled into the kiss and felt him smile back. 

“Ahhh!” Tom and I pulled away and we turned around to see Nareesha and Michelle yelling and Nath, Max, Siva, and Jay smiling. 

“You guys-” I said but was interrupted.

“Ask her out Parker!” Michelle yelled. 

“What?” I asked still a little dazed from the hole situation. Tom turned me around to face him and smile. 

“Will you go out with me?” He asked. I blushed knowing that everyone was watching. “Yes.” I said and he smiled even wider and pulled me into a hug. I guess that wasn’t jut an ordinary spring day after all. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2014 ⏰

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