VII. Good and Evil (3)

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"You seem sad," he told her the next time they met. 

They were both in black clothing this time making it confusing to know who was fighting for which side. 

"Pay it no mind," she said, her beautiful eyes refusing to look at him. "What is our subject doing?"

They watch the young man while he is in-line with the other people who want to be actors.

He spoke. "He is telling the people he's with that this other guy in front is unprofessional and always late and is difficult to work with."

"But he is not?"

"No. And he is also trying to get that girl behind him in bed by making promises he knows he will not keep."

She approached their target and whispered, "Stop it. You're better than this."

"Keep doing you," her counterpart egged on. "She's very pretty. It would be her fault if she falls for your promises. You'll never marry her. You're barely 18! It's her fault if she falls for it."

"Don't break her heart." She asked.

"Break her heart? They're not in love. They just met a few minutes ago." He retorted.

"Yes, but if this happens, she could carry it for the rest of her life."

"That's her fault. He should be free to do what he wants."

"Like you?"


"Free to do whatever he wants, damn the consequences and whoever he hurts?"

He turned away. "We are not talking about us. Focus on the Subject."

They continue to convince the young man. She continues to fight for good,  and him, her opposite.  Such is the game they have been playing for a number of lifetimes since he had chosen to fall and risk getting burned.

He always wondered about the pleasures offered on this Earth, those he had only been imagining of while watching these people from above. His curiosity would be kept at bay whenever he looked at her, his partner, his other half, and he knew he was exactly where he belonged.

But there was always that part of him that wondered. 

And one day, he just risked it.

He jumped.

And fell.

And continued to fall...

Until he took an earthly form and was free to do as he pleased. But, when his time on Earth has ended, he descended swiftly and paid his dues. 

He was still paying. 

And once in awhile, he would look up and sometimes, beyond the clouds, he would imagine that he could see her face. 

But, while he imagined her face, he was certain of one thing:

she was longing as much as he was. Because they were meant to be together. But, he chose to be away from her and now they could never be together.

He is jolted back to his current task. She was still whispering to him, pleading to leave the other female alone. 

The young man does and just proceeds to the audition. 

"It seems like you won this round again," He said.

She smiled. "I hope."

"He still told all those lies about that other actor," he reminded her.

"Yes. Unfortunately."

"One point for me."

She looked at him. "This is not about keeping score. It's about saving his soul."

"That's obviously not my task, my Darling."

They sit on a bench across the street while waiting for the Subject. "Do you ever think about going back with me? If they allow us."

Yes. Everyday, he thought, staring into her eyes. Seeing the hope there, he knew her heart would break every time her request is declined yet again, so he said, "No. I'm good down there. You know what they say, hell's where it's hot."

He chuckled, but she didn't join his mirth.

She nodded, looking into the distance. "I want to concede."

"On the Subject? You'll let me have him?"

"No. I give up on us."

He was at a loss for words.

She stood up. "There are some things I need to work on. I have to leave now."

"But our Subject -"

She just smiled. "I will ensure it's taken cared of." She took his hand and clasped them, then stared at it for a little longer. Then, she stared into his eyes. "My heart will always know you."


Days later, he was back with the Subject, who had just skipped paying his fare because he didn't have the money for it. He still counted it as a victory for his side.

A female form approached them. 

The subject  was oblivious to them, as usual. "Who are you?" he asked.

"She told me about you. I'm taking over."

"Why? What happened to her?"

"She has asked to be taken off such assignments and instead be sent back to earth. She is being prepared for her return."

"But, why?" He asked, despair starting to set in.

"So that she can finally forget."

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