Chapter four || Heathens

Start from the beginning

"I hope so." He mumbled and looked back down at the trees below him. Gabi looked up to the stars and sighed. "So many things happened up there. I want it to be over. I hope they don't come down here." 

"Why do you think that?" He inquired and Gabi glanced back down to the trees. "Both of my parents were murdered in cold blood in front of me; because they wanted the best for the people of the ark. And then, on top of it, they set it up as a suicide. The guards didn't even have the decency to float them. I couldn't do anything about their death. They told me I would die alongside them, and they shoved me into the closet of their room and told me everything I needed to know about the ark. " She exhaled, not realizing she had opened up completely to Bellamy. 

"Oh, and of course I make a noise, and the evil bastards tried to kill me. I beat them to the brink of death, until I heard more guards and took off. And thats where I crashed into you." She once again met his eyes, and this time, they were soft. "You saved my life." Gabi looked deep into them. "As usual." Bellamy let out a huff of amusement and smiled lightly at Gabi's words. "But thankfully, Jaha found me and sent me to prison instead of murdering me." 

"Not all people are thankful for Jaha." Bellamy's words made Gabi's arms prickle. She was beginning to detect strange feelings for Bellamy, and she didn't know what it was.  He suddenly became serious, turning his whole body towards her. 

"I did something that they would kill me for if the ark ever came down." He spoke and Gabi bubbled with curiosity. 

Bellamy's stomach had been turning ever since Gabi showed up and he felt a heat between them. 

"I shot chancellor Jaha. It was the only way I could come down here- I had to. Octavia couldn't die alone." The words came out surprisingly fast, and Bellamy noticed his hands had been sweating.  Bellamy never felt like this with any other girl, and it made him eager. 

He saw that her eyes were filled with wonder, not disgust or hatred. "I understand. You had to do what you had to do to be with your sister." She smiled softly, and Bellamy let out a sigh of relief. "Please don't say anything. I don't want people knowing." Gabi nodded in reply. 

"I would do the same thing for Finn. I would do just about anything for him." Bellamy examined her face. "He is the only person I have left." She exhaled. 

Bellamy grabbed her hand and heat exploded through both their bodies. He spoke to her softly. "You have these crazy people that you were sent down with. You have Clarke, you have Octavia, hell- you even have me." 

Gabi was astounded yet comforted by his words. He seemed to be the only person to calm her, and tell her everything was okay. Bellamy got up, knowing he had got through Gabi's head. "Come on. Lets head back to camp." He held out his hand and she grabbed it. His muscular arm pulled her up with ease. The two walked back to camp in a comfortable silence. 

Gabi woke with a start and tuned to see that Finn wasn't in the tent with her. She got up, yawned, and made her way out of the tent. Everyone was working, and the wall around the camp was finally starting to come together. Gabi saw Charolette in the middle of camp, and trotted over to her. 

"Hey kiddo." She nudged her arm gently into Charlotte's side. Charolette smiled and Gabi began to help her. Her stomach growled and Gabi remembered she had forgotten to eat. 

A boy helping carry a heavy tree fell to the ground grunting. "Hey! Do you think the grounders are just going to sit around and wait for us to finish the wall?" Murphy yelled at the kid and Gabi rolled her eyes. 

"Maybe we should let the little girl to the lifting for you huh?" He sneered and the boy replied. "I just need some water and I'll be okay." He said quietly, and Bellamy walked over. Gabi's stomach fluttered as she remembered the last night with him. "Murphy give the guy some water." He ordered him, but in a less strict tone.  

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