Getting to Know Him

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Chapter 2-Getting to Know Him 

Yukina's day was flying by it was already 4th period much to his dismay he had gym next. When looking over his schedule somehow he had completely missed the fact that he had Hell, um Gym. It's not like he's out of shape or lazy he just preferred not to get all hot and sweaty unless he was dancing. He hadn't even brought a change in clothes so there was no way in hell or on earth he was getting his ass on the gym floor. He walked over to Coach Simmons a man about his height that was muscular and lightly tanned, with his hair cut low. He politely explained his situation to the coach, who understood and let him sit out much to his joy. He spotted Lilium, who looked like she was looking for someone, on the bleachers and walked over to her then plopped down next to her. She looked up at him and smiled widely.  

"Oh Yukina. Hi. I didn't know you were in my gym class." She laughed, and brushed her hair out of her face, and he noticed her eyes went to the left slightly just a hint of a movement but that's all he needed.  

"Liar." He said in a cold voice then blinked and smiled at her. She hadn't heard him, so she just kept smiling. 

"So why are you sitting out?" He asked her. 

"I forgot to bring my gym clothes. I can be such an airhead." She giggled and he saw her eyes twitch just barely to the left again. His eyes narrowed slightly but his smile stayed in place. He glanced at her bag and could see a shirt peeking out. He almost snorted 'At least if you lie get rid of all evidence that indicated you were lying' he thought. 

"What a coincidence and here I was thinking you'd sat out just for me." He said in a playful tone. 

"Of course not." She chuckled, but her eyes twitched to the left again. Yukina licked his lips and he leaned into her ready to lead her on and call her a lying fuck whore when he felt someone staring at him intensely causing his skin to prickle. He quickly looked away from Lilium's expectant face to quickly search out the eyes that were staring and his pale green ones clashed with heated ocean blue eyes. He was startled by how smothering the tall boy's gaze was and it caused Yukina to blush again much to his confusion and then a shiver ran down his spine as he saw those eyes move between him and something else. When his eyes traveled back to Yukina his gaze was like liquid fire over Yukina's skin at the anger and Yukina looked over to see Lilium invading his personal space. He quickly scooted away and looked up then stopped. What was he looking for...approval? Why had he moved? Why did he care what the taller boy thought? The coach blew his whistle to gain everyone's attention and the boy turned away but threw him one last smothering look at him over his shoulder before he went to where the rest of the class was standing. Then he noticed Lilium was close again staring at his arm. 

"What?" he asked barely holding his annoyance he just decided that Lilium was useful to him for information. 

"Is that a tattoo?" She asked excitedly, but then again when wasn't she excited, and pointed at the chain on his upper forearm. He nodded his head and told her 

"Yeah it covers my whole back and one of the chains happened to go around my arm." He explained bored then he smiled. 

"Hey Lilium can you tell me something?" he asked her. 

"Yes! Sure!" She quickly said. He debated asking her some rather rude questions but decided not to. 

"Who's that?" He asked pointing at the tall teen as the class did laps around the large gym. His long legs allowed him to easily pass the others constantly without breaking a sweat. Lilium looked a little disappointed, and Yukina almost rolled his eyes must be because it wasn't about her. 

"That's Dajan. He's Spanish, silent, cold, basketball captain and center. He's around 6'9 I think going from earlier on this year but I think he's grown an inch or two. He's...Why?" She asked her smile dropping and her eyes narrowing a little. 

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