Shit.  Logan.  Logan had moved on, but what would he say about the possibility of Finn wanting to pursue Rory?  And did he really want to bring up that possibility if he wasn't certain that Rory was interested in him? 

Finn picked up his phone and shot off a quick text to Colin.  The last thing he wanted to do was to text Colin about his dilemma if he was out with Huntzberger.

Home with the Mrs. tonight or our with our mutual friends, mate?

She's not the Mrs. yet, man, but I'm home with her.  How's Chicago?

Chicago's interesting.  I wouldn't have believed you if you'd told me before I left that the one and only Rory Gilmore was staying here and reporting from the campaign trail.

No shit, man?  Have you seen her?

Indeed I have.  I caught a glimpse of her this morning and then she saw me in the lobby.  We caught up over dinner.

Need I remind you to tread lightly, Finn?  You've always had a soft spot for her.  How is she?

She's good.  Gorgeous as ever.  Seems that she's over Huntz.  Enjoys her job.

I'm assuming that you didn't text me this late just to update me on her life?

No, mate.  It turns out that I am still just as intrigued by her.

Any idea if she feels the same way?

I kind of got the impression she wanted me to kiss her goodnight.

And did you?

No.  Don't get me wrong, I wanted to, but I didn't.  Am I crazy for even wondering if it could work?

Finn, you've always been crazy.  You know you'll have to talk to Logan, right?  You can't go behind his back if you're going to start seeing her.

Don't remind me.  Do I talk to him now or wait until I get a better idea of whether or not she might be interested?

Your call, man.  Do you want to have that conversation out of the way before you talk to Rory? Or would you rather him not know about the possibility of you dating her if she's not interested?

I'll sleep on it and let you know in the morning, mate.

With a sigh, Finn moved to the bed and turned off the lights in hope of sleeping.


Rory awoke with a start the next morning when her alarm went off.  She was momentarily confused.  She had been dreaming, and it had seemed so real.  She had dreamed about being on another date with Finn, and there had definitely been a goodnight kiss that had lead to things that she blushed just thinking about.  She sighed and woke her friends up before starting the coffee maker.

"Ugh.  Gilmore girls will never like mornings.  What are you guys up to this morning?" she asked Kate and Laura.

"Want to meet for breakfast in the hotel restaurant in an hour?" Kate asked.  "We don't have anything to cover until this afternoon."

"Sure!  I'll see you guys downstairs shortly," Rory replied as the two walked out the door to return to their rooms.

Rory showered, dried and styled her hair and put on a touch of makeup quickly before picking out her outfit.  She opted for a black pencil skirt and a white blouse with red pinstripes with her black ballet flats.  With five minutes to spare, she grabbed her purse, room key and cell phone and and walked towards the elevator, meeting Kate and Laura on the way.

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