Chapter 2

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We journeyed to the school building and Marine led me to a series of hallways filled with classrooms and bustling students. The boys uniform wasn't as different as the girls. Of course the girls are wearing black skirts while the boys are wearing black pants. But the boys uniform was a black suit and neck tie, while the girls top was a form of suit, but there was a loose scarlet bow tie in stead of the same color neck tie. I kept my head down as I walked. Marine glanced at me and smirked,

"Wow, not even here for half an hour and you're already the topic of the day." Marine said, pulling out her ruby red phone. I glanced down at it. My anxiety went through the roof. I can't be out of the ordinary. Stop looking at me. Please. But my silent wish wasn't granted. People were staring at me from all directions. I got a pang of realization. It was coming from my left. I glanced to see who was looking at me. Two girls, obviously sisters, were looking directly at me. The younger one had dark green hair and glacier eyes. She had black marks on her face. The older sister had dark blue hair and deep brown eyes. She looks like she got her makeup done by a three year old. My tourette's began to kick in. I glanced down at my hand. The two girls kept looking at me. The younger one whispered something to the older one. She giggled. I glared at them. A bell rang and I flinched. Marine hooked he arm to mine and pulled me towards a classroom. She pushed me in. I looked back at her,

"W-wait! Aren't you going to come in with me?" I asked. Marine shot me a look and shrugged,

"Pssh. No, I have business to attend to." She said, and turned on her heel. I calmed down my hand.

"What kind of business does a sixteen year old have?" I called after her. She looked back at me and smiled, like she was planning for me to say that.

"Business that can get you into a lot of trouble if you ask too many questions." She said, and put her phone back in her jacket. I leaned on the door frame, looking at the mysterious girl that I already liked. "Oh," she added, "and for the record, I'm thirteen." I raise my brow, I'm impressed. From what Lumie has told me this is an elite school. Only the best can get in. Plus, she must be very rich. She could afford the dorm that her and I are sharing. I like her. A lot. I smirked to myself and walked in.

The door was by the front of the classroom, and a huge white board was by the teacher's desk. I walked over to the teacher. It was a female. She wasn't married, I could tell she takes her job seriously, but every student that walks through that door, she immediately wants to get connected with them. She had beautiful brown hair that was collected into a seemingly painfully tight bun. I would never do that to my hair. Lumie always said it was fragile, like me. But sadly, that's the one mistake that people make towards me. Prejudice. They never get it right.

She was working on something on her desk, she looked up at me with the most gorgeous pair of eyes I have ever seen. They were shining hazel. They gleamed when they fell upon my presence. This woman, whoever she is, I know she will be a very important pawn in my time here. Her smile gleamed with joy that almost made me self conscious. She was so beautiful. How was this woman not married?

"Hello. You must be Miss. Asterall. My name is Ms. Meira. I am your geometry teacher." She got up and shook my hand. She, addressed me as Miss... I've never been called that. Her skin was so smooth, and her voice was music personified. I could tell a lot has happened to this woman. But whatever happened, at least she didn't suffer my past. She's too good for this world. And I haven't even properly met the woman yet. I smiled,

"Yes. That is me." I said, awkwardly breaking our handshake and bowing. Lumie taught me to bow to people, no matter their place in your life. So, I must. Ms. Meira looked at me as I returned her gaze after my bow. She was a bit confused,

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