'Is he distracting you?' Jeremy asked.

Rebecca frowned, 'who?'

'Never mind. Tonight, dinner for four, prepare it.'

'Ok,' Rebecca nodded. 'Anything in particular?'

Jeremy was quiet for a few seconds, 'surprise me.' With that he hung up.

'So rude!' Rebecca complained under her breath. She quickly checked her watch, 'I have to go, Lily. Just been told I need to prepare dinner for four people.'

'But this is our day!' Lily pouted.

'I know, darling. Will make it up to you, promise.' Rebecca smiled. 'I'll ask Jeremy if you can come over one of these days and we can have fun on the huge pool, drink expensive wine and eat expensive food.'


'I do.' She bent over, gave Lily a quick hug and kiss before heading out of the ice-cream parlor, all the while thinking of what she was going to prepare

Jeremy hung the phone up and shook his head. Now why did he ask her if she was with a male or a female? That was none of his business. Saturday was her off day; she was free to do what she wanted. Marko's voice echoed in his mind. What if she has a boyfriend? That is not his business.

Then why did it feel as though he swallowed stones at the thought of her and another man? Shaking his head he started to shut down his computer. On Saturdays he usually put in a few hours of work, before he goes out. He had to meet up with Marko before the dinner that evening, a dinner that he had roped Rebecca to prepare.

Collecting his car keys, he walked towards the door. Before he could reach it, however, the door flew opening and in came Alice.

'Alice?' he frowned.

Alice walked towards him, her steps slow but purposefully. 'Hello, darling,' she purred as she placed her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss, moving deeper into his arms when he did not push her away.

Recovering from the initial shock of seeing her, Jeremy disentangled himself from her arms, stepping away from her. 'What are you doing here?'

'What do you mean?' Alice frowned, her slender arms crossing before her. 'Why do I get the feeling you are not happy to see me?'

Jeremy ran a hand through his hair. He should have known that Rebecca did not go through with what he had told her to do. 'I am on my way out actually and you never told me that you were coming.'

'I now have to tell you that I am coming over?' Alice's voice rose with anger. 'Since when?'

'Look, I do not have time for this!' Jeremy walked past her, stopping when her hand shot out and held his arm. 'Alice..' he started, only to stop when the front door opened and in came Rebecca carrying a few brown bags.

'Oh, hi,' Rebecca greeted as she closed the door behind her with her back. Taking in the furious look on Jeremy's face and the dismissal look on Alice's face. 'I'll just head to the kitchen.'

'Not so fast,' Jeremy said between gritted teeth. He turned to Alice, 'now is not a good time for a visit so please just go home. I'll call you.'

Alice pouted at him, reached up and placed a kiss square on his lips before she walked out.

Rebecca swallowed hard when Jeremy turned his attention fully to her.

'What the hell?' he shouted at her. 'Why is she here?'

'She is your girlfriend still,' Rebecca moved a step back. 'I did not send her the gift, flowers and card.' She bit on her lip. She had all the things already bought, Jeremy had already signed the card. She just had not found the time or courage to face Alice all by herself.

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