Part 4

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And I'm still waking every morning but it's not with you

By the time 2D had laid on his bed to get some sleep, one of his pillows had managed to rest behind him, touching his back.

2D didn't mind. A small, crazier part of him wanted to imagine it was Murdoc, pulling him closer until 2D was against his chest.

Of course, he knew it was crazy to dream like that, and weird, but it helped him fall asleep. The dark didn't seem like it was overpowering him. It even felt warm and inviting. The dark made it thinking of Murdoc a hundred times easier. Until eventually he fell asleep, a smile staying on his lips.

Once Murdoc got home he checked his phone and saw six missed calls from his father. He rolls his eyes, not bothering to call back tonight, tomorrow, or even next week. It was too stressful to deal with the drug addicted old man. Too ridiculous.

He lays in bed, getting comfortable rather quickly as blue fills the space behind his eyelids. Tonight seemed surreal. Almost like it never happened. He knew that it was foolish to think that, mainly because it did happen, but also because he actually felt something for the first time in years. There was no denying that Murdoc was naturally cold hearted due to his rough childhood. But when it came to Stuart he felt weak in the knees. It scared him, but it was also exciting. He had his own living and breathing joy, who happened to have blue hair and black eyes. And while he didn't want to think too much or too far, Murdoc had felt hope for what his future will be like.

And then he fell asleep, clutching a pillow to his chest peacefully.

In the morning, Stuart couldn't help but feel giddy. It was Friday, which means he gets off of work earlier than usual. But that's not the real reason for his wholehearted happiness. No. He supposes it's because he's dating Murdoc. It's dating right? Does one date mean dating? He hoped so. No one else made Stuart feel this way.

Stuart quickly gets ready for the day and drives the distance to work. Johnny stands outside, leaning against the wall next to the door, smoking a cigarette.

Stuart gets a weird feeling crawl up his spine, but it quickly disappears when he sees the Stylo park right next to him.

Murdoc meets him outside of his car. Stuart looks over where Johnny is. Except he's not standing there anymore and instead he sees the lights on inside. Stuart relaxes and embraces Murdoc, wrapping his arms around his neck to pull him closer. Murdoc smiles and kisses Stuart gently.

"I missed you." Murdoc says, not bothering to realize that this is something he would never say to anyone else in a million years.

"I missed you too Mudz." Stuart smiles.

They walk inside the shop and Stuart takes his shift.

The great thing about Fridays for Murdoc was that he has no classes, meaning he can spend more time with the bluenette.

By the time two o'clock rolls around, both males were beyond anxious to be with each other. Murdoc felt pathetic, only because he felt like a puppy wagging its tail for its master. But it's fine, only for Stuart anyway. He highly doubts he'd be this way with anyone else. There was just something different about the bluenette. And he didn't know what it was.

It didn't matter though. Not when Stuart was making his way over, with a smile to lighten up the whole room.

"Ready to go?" Murdoc asks. 2D nods and the two of them go to the Stylo.

They had decided to have a picnic today in a peaceful, desolate area. If it were anyone else Stuart would be apprehensive. But after getting to know Murdoc these past few weeks he knows that he's trustworthy.

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