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An: Warning this chapter mentions self harm/depression

Jon's POV:

I couldn't go to sleep last night so during that time I had cut myself. It's now about 4am and I still don't feel better, in fact I feel worse. These past couple months I've been going through depression. The reason, I have been getting a lot of negative comments. These comments keep flowing through my mind, 'These videos are stupid', 'He'll never be as good as Thomas', 'He should do the world a favor and kill himself.' I couldn't take the pain caused by these thoughts, so I grabbed my razor and started cutting myself for the second time today. I liked this kind of pain, this kind of pain I could control, and it helped distract me from the pain of this cruel world. After I added four more cuts to each arm, I cleaned the blade and myself up, bandaged my arms, and then laid down on my bed until I cried myself to sleep.

Anxiety's POV:

I was walking down the hall with Depression, we were headed to her room so that we could hang out and gossip about the other personalities, we've been doing this ever since Jon got depression. I've been to her room many times, it looks just like my room except for the fact that everything in her room was pitch black. She had no lights in her room and there were a bunch of negative posters all over her walls.

"So how have the other personalities been taking Jon's depression?"

As soon as I asked she got this tired expression on her face.

"Oh you know they all hate me, they always talk about their plans to get rid of me, and they never miss a chance to tell me how much they wish I never existed. But I'm sure I don't have to explain how I feel about that since you're having the same problems with Thomas's personalities."

When she mentioned that I instantly looked at the floor so she didn't see the tears that were starting to form in my eyes. 'I wish I had been created in this mind space, at least then I'd always have a friend who would stick up for me when the other personalities bully me.' I decided to change the subject,

"How has Crazy been taking Jon's depression?"

Crazy is one of Jon's main personalities, but there's one problem, in my opinion, with that... she's five years old. Since she is one of his main personalities, she has a strong influence on the decisions Jon makes. She is the one that causes him to do or think of crazy ideas, but when Imaj isn't here she also provides his imagination. Depression looks at me with a smile and shakes her head,

"She doesn't really understand what's going on, but she is upset that Jon hasn't been hanging out with her. I think she might be jealous of you and I since he's been hanging out with us the most these past couple of months."

"This is exactly why kids shouldn't be main personalities, she doesn't even know what's going on, and she's being a little selfish."

"Let's just hope she doesn't throw a temper tantrum, you remember what happened last time."

I chuckle nervously,

"Yeah I remember and it wasn't pretty."

"It definitely won't help Jon's situation, even though the others think I don't care, I really do want him to get better. Even if it means I disappear once he does."

I start to feel depressed at the thought of Depression leaving, 'Ironic isn't it.'

"As much as I want Thomas to get better, I don't want to lose my best friend."

She smiled sadly,

"I know, but eventually he will get better and I'll no longer exist, I hope by then Thomas's main personalities are nicer to you."

I smile, a sad smile, at her attempt to make me feel better, but lets face it, 'they'll never accept me.'

Crazy's POV:

I tried to hang out with Jon again today, but he kicked me out again, none of the other personalities will hang out with me either. 'Did I do something wrong?' Why won't anyone hang out with me, they all seem to have time to hang out with Anxiety and Depression. Wait... that's it! They all stopped hanging out with me a couple of months ago when Anxiety started showing up more often than usual. This is all his fault, he's been hogging Jon and the other personalities all to himself. Well I won't stand for it anymore, I'm going to demand that he gives my friends back. I notice one of Jon's other main personalities, Creativity, walk by.

"Hey Creative have you seen Anxiety?"

Creative is the same age as Jon and he acts just like Princey.

"Yes he's with Depression in her room, but you should stay away from them, they are horrible people who ruin everyone's lives."

"Ok! Thanks, bye!"

I immediately head in the direction of Depression's room, I knock on the door and the person I was looking for answered the door... Anxiety.

Anxiety's POV:

Depression and I had been talking for a while when we heard a knock on the door.

"Anxiety go see who it is."

"Why do I have to go, it's your room.

"Exactly, my room, my rules, now go."

With a roll of my eyes I answer the door to find... Crazy? At this point Depression is right next to me giving me a confused look.

"Hi Anxiety can we talk... alone?"

"Yeah, sure, what do you need kid?"

I followed Crazy to the screening room leaving Depression behind in her room.

"Stop stealing all of my friends."

"What are you talking about?"


She went from yelling to throwing a temper tantrum that caused the mind space to warp. The rooms in the mind space disappeared, and all you could see was red, then blue, purple, yellow, and then they all mixed together to form colorful patterns all over the room. This is another reason why kids shouldn't be main personalities, main personalities have a lot of power over the mind space and right now she's using it to throw a tantrum.

"Crazy calm down!"

I tried to calm her down, but I didn't know how, 'I wish Morality was here he would know what to do.' Monsters started to form from the warped mind space and they were attacking the other personalities. The monsters looked like the villains from Disney movies. There was Jafar, Scar, Maleficent, and many others. Then a tower guarded by monsters formed around Crazy and I.

"You won't take Jon or any of my friends from me anymore."

She sent her monsters to attack me, but just before they knock me out I scream for help, I doubt anyone's coming. The last thought I had before losing consciousness was 'This is all my fault', then everything went black.

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! So I finally updated and the chapter was also sad, here have some cookies. Anyway thank you guys so much for reading this story and voting. I can't believe that there's so many people reading this, so thank you.


(YES I ship Septiplier, and I regret nothing. SEPTIPLIER AWAY!!!)

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