Zayn smiles, and kisses his cheek. Louis finished it, and he's awed that he managed to do so. Zayn is pushing him back against the bed, and Louis lets him. He lets Zayn touch him, in such intimate ways that should have burned Louis' cheek.


He's back home, and he's trying to turn the key in the door, behind him Zayn is already pulling out. Louis waves back, as he finally manages to open the door. He's inside and shutting it tightly behind him as he locks it. The house is empty, he wonders where Liam is but pays no mind.

He makes his way up into his room, slightly giggling. It's at his doorway that he stops. There's somebody sitting on his bed. When he moves forward they turn to look at him. Long, dark brown curls and piercing green eyes. Louis laughs, because yeah, of course Harry never does listen.

Harry zeroes in on him, on his posture, on the smell. He's quickly standing to his feet. "You're high." He states incredulously.

"Maybe, maybe not." Louis grins cheekily. He walks over to his dresser and starts to change. Harry coughs awkwardly.  Louis turns to him, a sweet smile on his face. "It's all your loss," he gingerly steps out of his jeans.

Harry shakes his head, "why are you high?"

"Why do you care?" Louis retorts.

"Why? Because I just fucking met you three months ago, last time I checked you're not a druggy or a slut, what the hell has gotten into you?" Harry exclaimed.

Louis rolled his eyes, "there's a whole world out there Harold, a world that I didn't care for, but it's not so bad."

"You're not supposed to be high," Harry almost yelled.

"You get high, hypocrisy much?" Louis questioned.

"Lou," Harry shook his head, "don't go down this road. Don't do it."

"I was with Zayn. He's nice." Louis ignored him. "He asked me to be his." Harry didn't say anything. "I said okay, he's a good person."

"But, you don't want him." Harry pointed out. He stepped closer to Louis. "Stop playing games Louis."

"What games?" Louis asked.

"Don't use him, to get back at me. Don't get high and ruin your life. Don't do it." Harry warned.

"What the hell do you care?"

"Because you're better than this!" Harry yelled. "Liam would hate you, you'd lose your best friend, and Zayn? He's nothing different than me I'm willing to bet."

"Can you just go? I'm sleepy."

"Lou, love, please." and that's when Louis loses it.

"Fuck off Harry, don't call me love, don't call me Lou. You said it yourself, I'm too fragile. I'm too sheltered, the world has drugs, and bad people and one way or another I was going to come across them. And maybe bad people are just good people trying to disguise themselves and maybe drugs are just the governments way to profit, honestly I don't know. But I know this, you don't want me so what the hell-"

"I never said I didn't want you," Harry whispered.


"I said I didn't want to sleep with you so quickly off the bat, I said we should take it slow. But now you're just turning into a druggie slut, you're no different than anyone else I fuck. You want me to fuck you? Fine," and Harry looked towards the bed. "You want to be treated like a whore? Fine, get on up on the bed, make one sound and you'll regret it."

Louis shivered, he walked over to his bed and did as told. He felt Harry's presence behind him. And then gently, a hand pushed him down. The same hand, trailed up and down his back. Featherlike touches against the cloth. He felt warm lips against his shoulder, but everything was gentle and slow, too gentle and slow, and before Louis knew it, he was falling asleep.

Harry sighed, he shook his head and grabbed Louis' comforter, gently tugging it over Louis' sleeping body. He brushed his hair away from his eyes. Watching the way his eyelashes settled perfectly against the top of his cheekbones. His lips, a soft pink that Harry desperately wanted to kiss.

But, not now, not like this. He pulls back and presses a kiss to the top of Louis' head. He fears things will only get worse, but he hopes Louis has the strength to stop himself from doing things.

He goes over to the window, he looks back, taking one more look at Lou, before disappearing from the window, and onto the tree that was its neighbor before jumping to the ground and running into the night

When Louis wakes up the next day, he's angry, completely and utterly furious. He doesn't have time to think about what he had done with Zayn, only focusing on how Harry had left him once more looking completely desperate and embarrassing.

He ignores Liam who is downstairs making breakfast. He's done playing nice.  If Harry doesn't want him, fine. There's plenty others who do. And sooner or later Harry will have to see exactly what he's missing out on.


End note:

And the strength of a human is incredible,
How much can a single person take?
The beauty of seeing someone come apart
Is like no other
To see them vulnerable
And hurting
The fire die out in their eyes
The color gone from their skin
Now that's an art form
In itself.

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