"Food!" Ashton yelled.

We laughed at him and started eating.

Every once in a while I would steal some of Haven's bacon and she would hit me and we would laugh.

The morning was going great so far and I could only hope that the rest of the day went great as well.

Before we even realized it it was 1.

So we all started getting ready.

We decided it would be best to dress and act like we always do.

We didn't want to dress really fancy then they like us then realize that we were being fake.

Besides none of us liked to be fake.

We loved who we are and if they don't like it then that's their problem.

I slipped on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans with rips in the news and a plain grey v neck t shirt and my grey converses.

My hair didn't really need anything so I left it how it was and went to find Haven.

She looked beautiful as usual.

She had on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a plain white t shirt that hung off of one shoulder, and her white high top convereses.

"You look beautiful baby." I said slipping my hands around her waist as she pulled her hair into a pony tail.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She said turning around and poking my chest before running out of the room.

I laughed and followed her into the living room were everyone was waiting for Luke.

"Luke mate come on it's 1:30 it will take at least 30 minutes to get there."
Calum said knocking on the bathroom door trying to get him to come out.

We all knew what he was doing.

His hair.

God forbid if his hair is flat.

Finally he walked out smiling proudly.

"Now that your hair is fixed can we go?" Ashton asked.

Luke nodded grabbing Sunny's hand and we all walked outside to get into the car.

Shortly later we pulled up to the studio.

I was shocked.

It was huge.

I had stopped thinking about what could happen and instead focused on what was happening in the moment and decided to go with the flow.

I think the others had decided the same thing too because we all causally got out of the car and headed inside like we owned the place.

Haven went in first holding my hand as I trailed behind her because she was the one who talked to Patrick in the first place.

After being seated in the lobby a guy who looked kinda short for his age walked into the lobby smiling at us.

"Hello I'm Patrick." He said introducing himself.

Haven stood up and we copied her actions.

"Which one of you is Haven?" He asked looking around.

Haven raised her hand and walked forward.

"Nice to meet you Patrick." She said smiling.

God she played it so cool.

I found it pretty hot too.

"Yes nice to meet you too. Thank you for posting that video and allowing us to see such talent. Would you like to introduce me to them?"

Angel in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now