Life and Positivity

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Have you ever felt that you are nothing but a useless, worthless burden on Earth. I'm sure everyone goes through this phase of life. I'm 110% sure. If you haven't then you must have not done anything out of your comfort zone. Nothing out of order.
In my life I've learnt that everything is not what it seems. No matter what we want for our lives, what really happens is what is destined to happen.
If every thing would have been like we want it to be, then there would be no purpose of life. Everything would have been ideal. No work, no school, no worries, no heart breaks, no exams, no competition. Nothing to be worried about or to waste the nights sleep.
But do you really think this is what's ideal? To me not really. What about you?
One of the famouse triats of mankind, if something does not goes like the way we wanted, we tend to show very little patience, throw tantrums or blame someone else for our problems. We even go to an extent where we start blaming God.
Think about it. Would there be any fun in living a life without any hard ship. Without any imperfections in life. Would it be the same passing high school without any drama, bulling, bad mouthing about your teachers behind there backs because apparently they are exactly what we want them to be.
I mean what's the point of having the perfect relationship knowing that you didnt fight for it. Whats even the point of having anything when we know that it was served to us in a silver platter and we didnt have to do anything to gain it. To earn it. The imperfections and hardship is what every one wants in their life. Deep down in your heart you would always want some challenge.
Agree or not the imperfections of life is what we despise alot when living the moment but in reality those are the things that make our lives. They bring colours to our lives in the best way possible.
If everything would have been what we would want it to be, we would have never felt what's it like to be rebellious. We would have never experienced the daring adventures of life.
As a conclusion we know that every thing that God does is for our own benefit. EVERY THING. Complaining doesnt take us any where. Think positive to every thing that happens to you. Like seriously why would God throw something at you that you can not bear? He created you He doesnt hold a single grudge against you. And thats a fact.
Everything you have been through is not what makes you what you are today but how you take the situation is what makes you who you are today. Stay positive and be a better human being, Because believe me The world has gotten enough negative people to ruin it till the core.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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