A Man and A Mouse

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So pretty much I wrote this for a class project I really liked how it turned out. Enjoy!

A tribute to Disney,
The happiest place on earth
Full of laughter, full of imagination
The young experience you, the old cherish their memories with you

You started with just a man and a mouse
You turned into a worldwide phenomenon
Movies and parks many to explore!
There's nothing more I would adore

It may be the children rushing here and there
The shops selling lots of what the royals wear
The kids are screaming on all the rides
Full meals in the castle or perhaps just small sides
They've learned the characters you've created in stories
Intently in bed they used to hear
Now they're curtsying to your entourage
Smiling ear to ear

Or perhaps it is the only illuminating screen in the house
Portraying a singing princess, talking animals, or a cheerful black mouse
You are like an infinite table filled with dancing utensils
Always inviting those who use their imaginations through cameras, acting, or even pencils

Your deaths, your villains, your fights, and your ends
Your freedom, your lessons, and making everlasting friends
The impossible turns into a challenge as small as a bean
And the stepsisters' servant into the whole kingdom's queen

If you were to vanish,
Then so would I
The sweetness turned sour, the old no longer spry
No fireworks ablazing the midnight hue in my heart
The second star to Neverland will vanish, fade, depart
All glass slippers and magic carpets in your possession no more
Alas, the dream is still alive and you are the bastion of fantastic lore

Thank you Disney for paving us a new path
A path of happiness and joy,
A path for either a girl or a boy,
A path of faith, hope, and love,
A path that allows us to wish on the stars above,
A path of a dreamer,
A path that makes us belong, much like a house

And this path that you created was one that started with just a man and a mouse.


Hey! It's a new random book. I got this idea while writing the poem and started thinking about how many thoughts I have that are not one-shot related.

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