Isabelle Lightwood - "You might like this"

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You shivered and you wrapped your arms around your own body. Your hair was one big mess and your wet shirt was glued to your skin.

"Hey..." Isabelle opened the door of the institute and her eyes widened when she saw you. "Did you end up in the middle of that rainstorm?" She opened the door a little wider and let you in. "Come, let's go to my room to find you something dry to wear." She didn't wait for your answer and her heels ticked on the stairs while she walked to her room.

"I'm sorry that I just show up here without calling you first." You looked around and took a deep breath. You didn't dare to sat down on the bed. Actually you didn't dare to walk around at all, afraid that you would ruin something.

"It's okay." Isabelle opened her closet and for a moment she just stood there staring at the overload of clothes that was in there. "Here, you might like this." She grabbed an expensive looking black dress and you swallowed.

"Are you sure you want me to wear it?" You licked your lips and shifted your weight from one leg to the other. You and Isabelle had the same size, but that didn't mean you had the same figure. And on top of that, it didn't mean that you would feel comfortable in something that costed more than your entire garderobe combined.

"Yes! Of course I am!" Isabelle opened the door to the bathroom and she came back with a towel that was softer than anything you had ever touched before. "I'll give you some privacy, if you want?" Isabelle already headed towards the door, but you shook your head.

"You don't have to. You were going to see me fully naked at some point. I guess I can deal with you seeing my in my undergarments." You felt your cheeks heating up while you took off your wet clothes. With the towel you dried your skin as much as you could. You avoided Isabelle's glance, but you knew that she was watching you.

"Let me help..." She whispered and she grabbed the dress waiting until you lifted your hands up. Gently she pulled the dress over your head and once she had zipped you up she took a few steps back to have a better look at you. "It looks good on you." Isabelle smiled and she placed her hands on your shoulders.

"Are you serious right now?" Your glance met hers and Isabelle nodded while she guided you towards the big mirror in the corner of her room.

"Look for yourself." She stood behind you while you stared at your own reflection.

You had to admit that you would need time to get used to seeing yourself in Isabelle's clothes, but in a way the thought that this would happen more often made you smile.

"You're beautiful." Isabelle tightened her grip on your shoulders before she pressed a kiss to your cheeks. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Maybe..." She shook her head. "No, you're for sure even the most beautiful person I've ever met."

"You haven't met yourself then." You turned around and wrapped your arms around her neck. "Because I think you're the most beautiful person in this world." You leaned on the tips of your toes and you pressed your lips on hers.

"Well, let's agree to disagree then."

Isabelle Lightwood - Shadowhunters Imagines & DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora