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Ha ha I want a guy who does that for me😂😣 Thomas is such a gentleman😂^^
Mal's POV
The girls and I woke up. I noticed that Melody already left. We went upstairs to change. I found Ben sleeping. He is going to get yelled at so hard when he wakes up. I got dressed quickly into a black tight short dress with pink flowers that had blue petals on them.

 I got dressed quickly into a black tight short dress with pink flowers that had blue petals on them

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I slipped on my white flats and grabbed my purse. Before leaving the room I kissed Ben's forehead. Even though I'm mad at him for getting drunk, I still care about him. I hate it when he's like this. I left the room and waited downstairs for the girls. "Hey Belle" I said. "Hey Mal" she replied and hugged me. The girls came down. "We're going to the school now" I told her. "I thought you were going with Ben" she said. "I was. But he got really drunk yesterday with the boys. That's why the girls and I slept on the couches. I even told him not to get drunk. Anyways when he wakes up tell him not to come to school please" I explained. "Oh ok. Yes I will. See you later girls" she said. "Bye" we replied and went outside into the limo. We got to the school. Everyone was already in class. "Are we all going in together? Or are we going to separate classes?" I asked. "Let's all go together" Jane replied. We went in everyone's class. Their reactions were so cute! Two hours later we reached the last class. It was Melody's class. "Hello" the teacher said and bowed. "Hi. I just came to see how the class is doing" I replied. "Mommy where's daddy?" Melody asked. "Can I speak to my daughter one second please?" I asked. "Of course... She's your daughter?" The teacher asked. "Yes she is" I replied and smiled. Melody took my hand and we went outside. "So where's daddy and why were you sleeping on the couch?" She asked. "He's at home sleeping. I was sleeping on the couch because your dad came home late last night and he had a lot to drink. But he's going to be okay" I told her. "Now since everyone in your class knows that your my daughter and that you're royal, don't take it for granted ok? I know it may be really exciting but don't make people do it for you. You are just a normal little girl. If your friends in your class start doing something nice or bow for you just tell them its ok. I'm gonna talk to daddy about putting you on a special class. But that's only when you're older. Anyways... Do you understand?" I asked. "So let's say someone bows, I tell them nicely that they don't have to bow because I am just a regular kid like them?" She asked. "Yes" I replied and we went back in the class. My phone rang. "Hello?— ok I'm almost done — is he sober? — well ya he should be scared— ok bye" I hung up. "The boys are awake. They all threw up" I told the girls and we laughed. "Doug and Ben are scared that we're coming home. That's what Belle said" I told Evie and we laughed. "We have to get going but it was nice seeing you all! Have a great rest of the year!" I told the class. They all said bye. "Bye Mel see you at home" I said and kissed her head. "Bye" she replied. We left the classroom. We went into the limo. We arrived home and went inside. The boys were all on the couch. We all walked in front of the TV. They looked scared. "BENJAMIN FLORIAN UPSTAIRS NOW!!" I yelled. "Did you have to say my middle name?" He whined and got up. "Good luck bud" Jay whispered. "Ya you better wish him luck" I said frustrated. Ben walked up the stairs first. My mom stopped me. "Take it easy on him" she said. "No! Look mom I know you don't know what happened but this isn't the first time this happens and I'm sick of it happening. Some things have to change around here" I told her and walked upstairs. I slammed the door and threw my purse on the table. "Look before you start yelling at me I just wanted to s—" he said but I cut him off. "I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT!" I yelled. "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH YOU DRANK YESTERDAY?!" I yelled. He nodded no. "4 BOTTLES! DO YOU KNOW HOW CRAZY THAT IS! BEN YOU PROMISED NOT TO GET DRUNK! AND WHAT DO YOU DO, YOU GET DRUNK! I HAD NO FUN LAST NIGHT BECAUSE OF YOU AND THE GUYS. I HAD TO SLEEP ON THE COUCH! FOR GOD'S SAKE YOUR DAUGHTER WAS ASKING ABOUT YOU! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO SAY? 'oh ya sorry your dad couldn't make it because he's super drunk and can't think' I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DISOBEY ME AGAIN! I had to take care of our daughter. Then I get to the party and expect to have fun with my husband and friends but no I get there to see that MY HUSBAND IS SO DRUNK THAT HE WAS WILLING TO START HAVING SEX WITH ME RIGHT THERE!! This is not the first time this happens. Everytime this happens I feel like I am being a horrible wife for not dealing with my husband getting drunk! I am mad but mostly disappointed in you Ben." I told him. He didn't know what to say. "Look Mal, I know I shouldn't have gotten drunk. I did get out of hand but I was with the guys and whenever I'm with them we just have fun. I know four bottles is a lot but to think of it we shared them all and we were a lot of guys sharing. Anyways, I am sorry for getting drunk and disobeying you." He apologized. "But Ben you say that everytime!" I said. "But this time I mean it! I'd rather have you in my life than you divorcing me because I got drunk. I promise I won't drink again" he said. "I have to think about this" I said. "So I'm guessing I'm kicked out of our room?" He asked. I nodded and opened the door. "You're not divorcing me though right? Because I don't know what I'd do with myself" he asked. "I don't know. I have to think about it" I replied with tears in my eyes. If this is going to keep happening and if he's going to keep disobeying me, what's the point on being married? "No Mal please don't. I need you" he begged. I closed the door. I heard Ben walk downstairs. I peeked my head out of my door and saw the girls. "Pack clothes" I mouthed. They nodded and went back in their rooms. I started packing some clothes.
*Ben went downstairs and found the boys all sitting on the couch with their heads in their hands. The parents were all sitting at the table and waited to see what I was going to say. "Well you're back in one piece, that's a good start" Jay said. "Who got kicked out?" Ben asked. All the boys including Ben raised up their hand. "Who might be getting a divorce?" He asked. This time only him rose up his hand. "What? She's actually serious about divorcing you?" Maleficent asked. "Yes. F*ck this is all my fault. Boys we all made a mistake by drinking" Ben said and sat down on the couch. "I'll go talk to her" Maleficent said. "She won't change her mind, trust me" Ben told her. But Maleficent went upstairs. She knocked on the door*
I heard a knock on the door. "Leave me alone Ben" I yelled. "Its your mom". I went to open the door. "You're not actually thinking on divorcing Ben are you?" She asked. I laughed. "No. I need him in my life. I don't care what he did, I would never divorce him. I just did it because he needs to know by drinking it can ruin our relationship. And also because he gets scared..." I replied and my mother looked at me. "What? I still have some evil in me. I always will" I added. "That's my girl." She said and hugged me. "But you shouldn't play with poor innocent Ben's emotions. Actually never mind I just realized what I just said" she said and we laughed. "But why are you packing?" She added. "I'm going away with the girls. We're going to my house in LA. The boys had fun yesterday, now its our turn" I replied and zipped my suitcase. I heard  school bus in front. I looked outside and it was Melody. Her school must have ended. I grabbed my suitcase and the girls and I went downstairs. "Where are you going mommy?" Melody asked. "We're leaving. Go pack your stuff, I'm coming to get you tomorrow" I told her. "Really?! I get to come with you?" She asked excitedly. "Yes" I replied and laughed. She ran upstairs. "Wait you're leaving? Mal please don't leave me. I need you" Ben said and ran up to me. "You boys had fun yesterday. So us girls get to have fun today. Your job is to take care of the kids. And no one help the boys" I said. "Bye Mel! I'm coming to pick you up at lunch time tomorrow!" I yelled so she can hear me. "Bye!" I heard a reply. "See you in 2 days. And remember no one help them" I told Belle and my mom. "Yes. Bye" they replied and I hugged them both. "Ready girls?" I asked. They nodded. I poofed us to my house in LA. I started laughing. "Did you see Ben's reaction?" I asked. "It was priceless" I added and we laughed. "You're just toying with his emotions aren't you?" Audrey asked. "Yup" I replied and we high fived. "We're going out. Let's go change" I told them. "Really?" Jane asked. "Well ya. The boys had their fun. Now er have ours!" I relied excitedly. We went to change in our rooms. I put on

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