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Hanna cries on the bed but this is not her bed that she usually cries on. This is a stranger bed. No wonder this building reminds her of her house. This is what she was trying to avoid from her dad. As soon as she thought someone really cares for her but its just a false act. Her cries was much louder than her cries during her dad abuse her. Its like when she thought she's already free, the jail bar just keeps on appearing right infront of her.

Her body was all aching, she was totally expose on the bed, with her both hands tied up with a rope to the edge of the wooden bed side by side and her mouth was close with a piece of cloth. She shivers, feeling so cold. Gray was fast asleep beside her. How could an angel change so quickly? For a second she thought she was with a hero by her side and would feel protected. She tries to shut herself up and close her eyes. Her tears just keep on falling and falling.

*The sun rises*

Gray puts on his uniform and gets ready to go to work. He looks at Hanna and walks to her, "See you tonight baby girl" he smirks, kissing her forehead. Hanna just stares at the cover up window with no emotions at all. Her face is all straight its like she has nothing to feel about. Gray looks at her a bit weird but he just shakes it off. He heads out his apartment and locks it.

Hanna just stays there with no clothes on and still with a piece of cloth in her mouth and her hands tied up on the bed. The time flies by real fast, it was like only a second ago she stares at the glowing window and now she only sees pitch black.

As she was running around in her thoughts, she heard a music coming from outside.

"Im faded...so lost...Im faded..." a tear drops from her eye. She was too tired to start a cry again. She just thought to herself, she cries too much and it has to stop! She's tired of being weak, she's sick of it! She was free earlier, what happened? She's not going to let this sicko ruins her. She hope to die, even if she was to die, she would like to die in a better way with her own hands not on a stranger's bed by his bloody hands.

She looks at her right hand that was tied up. She slowly wiggles out her hand, it suppose to cause her a lot of pain due to the tightness of the tying but she doesn't feel a thing. Her hand was getting even more redder as she wiggles it out of the tying. When she got it loose, she looks at her right hand, it was shading purple and was so numb she could barely feel it. She loosen up her other hand and also turns shade purple as she frees it. Her hands was so weak it has no motion. She gets up from the bed, ignoring the pain. She gets her clothes and wears it. Her phone was not there with her, perhaps Gray has taken it with him.

She slowly walks to the door feeling so hopeless.

When she turns the knob, it was locked. She couldnt open it because of her numb hands. Suddenly she heard a footstep. She spontaneously grabs a lamp from a table and waits behind the door. The door knob makes a click sound, thats when she prepares.

As the door swings open, Gray walks in and his eyes was straight to the empty bed. He starts to panic and approaches the bed. Hanna was trying to swing her arms but her energy was just so off. But she forces herself to make a hit, for her own good. She lunges forward at his back, soon enough before she makes a hit, Gray turns around.

She was a bit too far but she had no choice to throw it hard and it smashes right own his face. He instantly pass out with blood coming out from his face. She looks at him in horror on the floor then runs out the apartment. She remembers seeing a police station nearby. She makes a total run for it with the energy she got. Even if the wind makes it even harder for her to breath due to the damn cold thin air. She reaches the police station and barges in to the front desk.

The police officer stands up and immediately ask her what has happened to her. The other officers also stares at her, shock. She explains everything with barely a voice coming out from her mouth but she manages to tell the police where Gray lives. They didnt waste any seconds no more then instantly heads out to Gray's apartment.

*At Gray's apartment*

Gray gets up feeling such a headache, he looks at a mirror seeing his face bleeding all over. His eyes widen when his eyes stops at the reflection of the open door. "SHIT" he curses aloud. He heads to the door until...

"FREEZE! GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR! NOW! GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR NOW!" a group of 4 police officer barges in pointing a gun at him. "PUT YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD, WHERE I CAN SEE EM!" yells the head of the officers. Gray was terrified he did exactly what they say. They cuff him up and drags him down out of the apartment. There's where Hanna awaits.

As the police officers got out with Gray on their hands, they stop right infront of Hanna. Gray looks at her with a glare.

"Is this him ma'am?" ask the head officer. Hanna nodded with her head down and her hoodie covering her head. "Get him outta here!" the head officer pushes Gray's head to the other officer. Hanna puts a hand at Gray's right shoulder, stopping him from walking. Gray looks at her weird out of what she is doing. Hanna lifts her face up to face at Gray.

Gray smiles and say, "I love you Hanna", with a blink of an eye, Hanna makes a straight fist punch on his face breaking his nose even more. He yells in pain as the officer steadies him on his feet. More blood gushing out of his nose. "YOU BITCH" yells Gray to Hanna. She kicks him on the nuts, the officers let him fall on his knees and face drop to the ground. He winces in pain like a bitch he is. There's when Hanna's phone falls out from his pocket along with her earphones twisted with it.

The head officer orders them to pick him up and get him in the car.

"He deserves it" said the head officer to Hanna then he continues, "Are you sure you dont want to go to the hospital ma'am?" he ask concern. "No thank you" reply Hanna simply. "Well if anything happens again, just come to us okay? Do you want us to send you home?" ask the officer again. "No thank you" she replies simply again. He sighs, "Alright then...well you have a good night ma'am" he pulls down his hat and walks toward the police vehicle.

As the police drives away, Hanna looks at them fading through the streets. She puts on her earphones and let the music carries her away again. She starts walking and vanishes to the dark.

In a city full of lights,
How can you still feel dark?



I hope you enjoy the crappy chapter and sing away with the music 🎧😌💕

What is about Alan that makes you fall in love with him?
=Well for me is from his music is where I start to like him, then when I get to know him more idk I just fall in love with him and he eventually never fails to make me smile when he smiles and have a good time. I cant go a day without playing his music, seriously. His eyes are also one of my favourite too heheh😍🙈💕👀
I just simply find him attractive thats all, nothing's wrong with that right? 👻


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