However, instead of yelling at the sun like she was going insane (a veritable possibility that Lilia still hadn't completely ruled out yet), she merely walked a little faster to stay astride with Connor, who was faster than she was used to, and wondered how he was possibly managing to cope, seeing as he was leaving his childhood home behind with so much emotional baggage weighing him down.

He was staring steadfastly into the distance, and soon, Lilia realized that it was entirely up to her to make conversation if conversation were to happen. She cleared her throat and asked the first thing that popped into her mind: "So, what's it like, living here?"

Instantly, she winced. How insensitive could she be? Not only had he just found out that he was living inside a book - her question would seem like she was reminding him of that - but he had also just lost his hometown and the girl he was supposed to be falling in love with. Living here did not exactly seem peachy.

Connor obviously realized all of these things, from the storm of emotions that roared over his face in a split second, but he humored the question. "Awful," he told her honestly. "After all, there's the political situation."

Lilia nodded knowingly. Connor's kingdom, Dwirinel, was in the throes of a power struggle. King Drew was considered a tyrant by many of his poorer citizens because many of his plans benefited only the rich and more often than not hurt the poor in doing so. However, Prince Luca, who was attempting to take over the throne and came from the Southern Realms, was a veritable Robin Hood of men - he planned to punish the rich and raise the poor to the formers' positions. Lilia liked neither of them, although she had to admit that she preferred Prince Luca to King Drew. After all, shouldn't a king help all of his people rather than just one party?

Connor and Theresa had been part of an underground movement to dispose of first one royal figure and the other in order to raise Prince Theodore to the throne. Prince Theodore was King Drew's younger brother and had been working with the rebellion to assassinate his enemy prince and brother. He had also been working with the leaders of the rebellion to make a plan that would benefit the entire kingdom.

It's a bit sad that I know all of this so thoroughly, Lilia reflected as Connor continued talking.

"But, well, the landscape's very pretty, I suppose. And - I feel like I'm making a change with the rebellion. I feel like I'm truly helping this kingdom."

"You must care about Dwirinel very much, to be sacrificing so much for it."

"Wouldn't you know that?"

Lilia bit her lip at his barbed words. "No. Like I said, Theresa was more of the main character. The book was written from her point of view. Readers had no idea what was going on inside your head."

"That's a relief," Connor said softly, letting out a breath of air. Lilia supposed that it would be - at least some things, some deeply personal thoughts and feelings, remained safe within his mind.

They walked in silence for a few more minutes before Lilia sighed in amusement and said, "I don't even know what to say to you, what to talk about. It's like walking with a superstar."

"I'm not a superstar." Connor was quick to correct her.

"To me, you are."

Lilia could see Connor watching her out of the corner of her eye. When she turned her head to meet his gaze, she was arrested by the intensity in his dark eyes.

"Do you honestly think that much of me?" Connor asked quietly.

"Y - yes?" It came out as much more of a question as Lilia had intended it and she hurried to say it in a more certain tone, feeling a blush rising to her cheeks. "Yes."

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