Chapter Eleven

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 Lilia had no idea how long it was before she was discovered - mere minutes? Lengthy hours? All she knew was that suddenly, she could hear rapidly approaching footsteps. She clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs - the noise that had surely drawn the unknown figure to her - and reached out carefully with her free hand to grasp a large, nearby branch.

The person rounded the tree and Lilia scrambled to her feet, swinging the tree limb with all of her strength.

Connor barely managed to duck the wood, dropping down to his knees as it passed close enough over him to make his hair stir. When he stood, his expression was that of relief - whether for having found her or for avoiding a branch to the face, Lilia wasn't sure.

"Oh, wolf cub, thank the gods," he breathed, starting toward her with an outstretched hand.

Dropping the stick, Lilia staggered backwards, away from him, hugging herself tightly and refusing to meet his gaze.

"Lilia?" Connor asked, the confusion in his voice evident. She hated herself for doing this to him when he didn't even know what was going on, but right now, she didn't want anything to do with Dwirinel, not even Connor.

"Lilia, what happened?" he asked, a note of urgency entering his tone. Lilia knew his mind was jumping to all of the worst places, but when she opened her mouth even slightly to let the words spill out, they just clogged in her throat, choking her. She shook her head, struggling to hold back even more tears.

"You have to tell me what happened or I can't help you," Connor pointed out gently. Lilia knew he was right, so she summoned all of her strength and managed a few words.

"I'm fine. Nothing - I'm fine."

"Something obviously happened!" Connor exclaimed in exasperation. He lowered his voice as she took another step back. Holding out his hands like she was a skittish animal, he murmured, "Please, wolf cub. Work with me here."

"A - a man. A soldier. He - he picked me up off of the ground by my hair." Lilia touched her still tender scalp, wincing. "I - poked him in the eyes and he dropped me." Her fingers traveled to her bruised side. "I came out here. End of story." She cut off her words harshly, still not looking at him. Tears trickled down her face, following the paths the previous ones had traced. She hated herself for being so weak. Nothing even happened, you coward. You got away.

"Oh, Lilia," Connor murmured sorrowfully. "I'm so sorry. I should have gotten us out of there faster."

"Not your fault," she whispered.

Connor ran his hand through his hair. "What now?" he asked.

Lilia knew what he meant. Were they just going to stand here in the woods forever, her refusing to look at him and him desperately trying to make her talk?

Her fingers brushed against the handle of her dagger. She drew it, examining the blade. She had completely forgotten she had it with her.

This time, it was Connor who took a step back. "Lilia," he said, voice low and controlled. "Give me the knife."

"Why?" Lilia whispered, still staring at her reflection in the metal. She looked empty, unstable. Like a madwoman. Oh. Did Connor think she was truly capable of hurting him?

No. As Lilia continued to look at her reflection, she saw a terrified, spiraling girl who just wanted to go home and was harboring all of her hopes on one wizard that she had never even met.

She saw what he expected her to do.

"I'm not going to hurt myself!" Lilia snapped, whirling on him. Connor flinched.

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