08 | Eating

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AN: It's been 84 years since I updated. (13 days actually but wow). I'm so sorry.

If you parked your car right near the curved curb of Garder street and Pleasant road besides the clean, cut, lawn, you might be able to hear a glimpse of two similar yet completely different conversations between the two mansions across from one another.

If you were to be hovering over both roofs and looking down, you would tune in to two indistinguishable dialogues at the early start of five o'clock in the morning.

In the avocado cream colored house, May Primble scolded her husband of almost twenty years, Ted Primble, to help her move the large, vintage juke box player of his that they were finally getting rid of.

"You always leave a mess and I am always the one who has to clean up after you." She chastised with a sour twist of her wrinkled face, carrying one end as her obedient husband frowned.

"I don't know why we're trying to get rid of this, it's my best work." Poor Ted Primble weakly protested, gazing down at the jukebox he had made in his youth as his wife rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"Do you even know how much trouble we are in at the moment." His irritated wife reiterated, making both of them glance at the fairly high stacks of debt and bills before drifting back to the juke box that was planned to be sold for more money.

The jukebox had to go.

Across the street, a similar conversation was stirring upstairs in the guest room of the pastel yellow mansion.

"You always leave a mess and I am always the one who has to clean up after you." I shook my head, avoiding Harry's slightly amused gaze as he stared at my crossed expression with a glint of mischief in his ember green eyes.

"I don't know why we're trying to get rid of this, it's my best work." He simply grinned, looking down at Mr. Todd's dead body that we were carrying across the room into the large tupperware bin I had brought, making me pause on my feet to send him a blank look.

"Do you even know how much trouble we are in at the moment." My voice was lowered even though we were the only ones in the spacious mansion, lowering my head and blinking at him in an incredulous manner before our gazes slowly fell back down to Mr. Todd's pale corpse, eyes rolled back like a drunk with his tongue sticking out to the side before Harry casually reached out and slipped it back into the man's mouth with a poke of his gloved finger.

I glared at him as he gave me a clueless "what" look.

My lips pressed in a firm line as I dismissed him with my aggravated expression, the both of us carrying Mr. Todd's limp, foul smelling body over the baby blue plastic bin.

With a lot of debating, internal fighting, and praying, I had made it my mission to protect my husband no matter what.

No way was I going to let my Heath suffer for what Harry was doing while in control.

Not if I had a say in it.

"No more killing." I warned with a stern raise of my brow as Harry and I lowered the body.

"You're just mad cause you couldn't find a plastic bin big enough for the body." He smirked in a teasing manner as I snapped my head to him.

"I'm mad," I grit out, shoving Mr. Todd down into the small cramped square with my hand over his cold, thinning head as Harry blinked at me with slightly widened eyes.

"Because I had to find a plastic bin for a body period." I finished, hearing limbs and bones crack with the force I was using as I kept my glare on Harry, imagining cramping his long body inside a stupid box instead and just keeping him in there out of trouble.

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