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"Please..stay with me." Zelda pleaded

I was in so much pain... I could feel my clothes stick to my skin as more, and more blood kept running out of my body, but, at least, right now, I'm in the one I love arms... If I die, at least I'll die happily..

"Groose, has gone for help." She says trying to make sure my eyes don't shut

"Don't worry your going to be okay." She added in a hopeful voice, as she placed her hand on my wound

"I'm glad it was me... And..and.. Not you." I say to her with all my strength

"Shh save your strength, groose will be here with professor Owlan soon."

At that moment I could feel my soul about to leave my body, but before it's gone forever, I had one request..

"Z-Zelda?" I asked with a smile

"Yes?" She replied

"Could..you sing..a song.. For me?"

"S-sing?" She said, with a confused, yet worried expression

"I've always liked it..when you sing." I explain, still with a smile

"What song do you want me to sing?" She asked

"Y-your favourite one." I say

"M-my favourite." She repeated, with a tear in her eye

She then pulled me closer to her chest and placed her her cheek on the side of my head, and begun

'Oh youth..

Guided by the servant of the goddess..


Earth, and sky..'

Ah.. That song.. Our song.. I remember it so clearly, she always sung it since we were kids, and, I loved it.... so much memories..

Her gentle voice brings me...so much..peace

If... I had to do..all this again..Zelda..

I would do it again.. No matter how many times.. For an eternity

"For you." I whispered out loud, while I softly shut my eye, as a tear spilled from it


Zelda's P.O.V

"Oi!" I looked up to see Groose coming to us with Owlan

"Groose is here!" I say to link

"There here link, Owlan will patch you right up." I add happily....

But, link wouldn't reply..

His eyes wouldn't open...

"Link?" I asked shaking him a little

"Link!" I screamed, as tears came out of my eyes...

My best friend...

The one I loved...

Died for me..



Links p.o.v (he's dead, and he can see zelda crying over his body)

Please don't cry... Zelda

Don't worry..

I'm, sure will meet again...

Something deep inside me..

Tells me, we will surly see eachother again..



"Why, why, you were the only one I had left... Please come back.." I hear

"Someone's crying." I say to myself

I always never liked to hear people cry, so I followed the noise to see....

A boy... With dirty blonde hair curled up in an corner...

He looked like he was at least 7, like me..

I don't know why but he seemed really familiar..

When I finished examining him. I kneeled down infront of him and asked

"Why are you crying? It's too pretty out to be sad,"

"Leave me alone!" He yelled, then looked up at me..

When our eyes met we were in shock, we couldn't stop staring at eachother. Then he asked

"Do, I know you?"

"I don't think so... But for some reason I feel like I've known you for a long time." I say confused

"Same.." He replied shocked, as we still stared at eachother

"What's, your name?" I asked

"Link, what's yours?"



That was the start of an new chapter...

We'll Meet Again( Zelink )Where stories live. Discover now