Start from the beginning

Archie asked if I wanted to go up to his room, seeing our parents still had a lot to talked about. I sat on his bed, as I watched him rock Virginia Mae in his arms. "She likes you, if it was anyone else she would have been crying by now" I say with a slight chuckle, Archie turn around so he is now facing me, while smiling widely. "What can i say, everyone loves me" Archie jokes causing us both to break out into laughter.

"I still can't believe that were siblings, I mean thats crazy!" Archie says while handing me back Virginia Mae, "I know to think all along, and we never knew" I say still a bit shocked, when suddenly my phone lights up. I quickly look at it to see its a message from my work saying they need me to waitress. "Sorry Archie I gotta go, work calls" I get up and give Archie a quick hug, and he give Virginia Mae a quick kiss on the head, before I leave.

I walk down the stairs to see my mom and dad laughing, i clear my throat and tell my mom that my work called. I give my mom and dad a hug before leaving "It was nice seeing you-dad" I say, then I hand my mom Virginia before leaving the house and driving down to Pops Diner.

I walk into the Diner, and see jughead sitting in one of the booths on his computer again. I walk up to the counter, where I see Pop working. "Dixie, thank you for coming on such short notice, ill be with you in a second" I nod my head, but stop Pop before he can go any further. "Pop? Can i ask you a question?" I say, he nods his head as i continue with my question.

"What with Jughead?" i ask, as a smile grows across Pops face, "Ah Jughead, he a good kid, but misunderstood sometimes, anyways comes in everyday and sits in the same booth" Pop finishes saying before walking away to go help a costumer.

I decide to go talk to Jughead since the two of us have never had a full conversation and see what he is working on as well. "Hi Jughead, what are you working on?" i ask politely, while taking a seat across from him in the booth, he looks up for a moment and simply says "I'm writing a novel" I look at him in shock, that all this time it has been a novel he was working on.

He looks down again, I sigh in disappoint on no matter how hard i try i can't seen to get through to Jughead, when i finally decide to tell him how i feel. "Did i do something to you? Is that why you don't like me?" I ask, anxiously waiting for his answer.

He closes is computer, then takes a deep breath in before saying "you don't know how wrong you are...I like you Dixie, and i got so jealous when i saw you and Archie laughing and having a good time, from the moment i meet you I knew i like you." Jughead said letting out a sigh.

I grab his hand, and look him in the eyes before saying, "I like you too Jughead."


Its been a whole month since Jughead and I have started dating. In that one month, he has met my daughter. Me and Archie told all our friends about us being sibling and they were all so excited. Me, my mom, and Virginia had moved in with Archie and my dad, my parents were getting married again. Moving to Riverdale has been one of the best decisions in my whole life. I've made so many new friends, that i know i can count on.

I had to work the night shift, nobody had come in the past two hours so i decided to close up. I texted Jughead telling him I was leaving work and would text him when I got home. I was walking out to my car, when i was approached my three female figures. I wasn't able to see the faces due to it being so dark out and there wasn't any lights.

I was about to ask who they were, when suddenly I got pulled by one of the figures. They continued to drag me until i was under a street light. Thats when i saw long red hair, that could only belong to Cheryl Blossom. I also saw short brown curly hair, that i assumed belonged to Ethel, and lastly i say blonde hair that I thought belonged to Ms. Grundy.

They kicked and punched me for at least 10 minutes, until I was almost unconscious. I groaned in pain as they kicked me in the stomach one last time. I felt like I was being lifted up, but I was in too much pain to put up a fight. When suddenly my whole body felt like it was being instantly frozen.

I tried to get up, slashing the water making me colder as I see snow flakes fall from the sky. I pull myself up to shore, shaking uncontrollably. As I lie in a mountain on snow, to hurt to move.


It has been 30 minutes since Dixie told me she was leaving work, she should have gotten home by now. I started to panic wondering if something happened to her, when I finally decided to go down to Pops to see if she was still there.

On the way down to the diner, I kept telling myself she must have got caught up with a customer, or her phone just died. I pull into the parking lot to see Dixies car, I quickly got out of my car. I walked around her car to find any trace of where she may be.

When I saw her phone in the snow. I picked it up and put it in my pocket, I continue to look when see a trail of blood leading to the lake. Panic rushed over me as I run following the blood trail. When I arrive down by the lake i don't see anything, I was about to leave when I heard someone weakly call my name.

I look over to see Dixie lying in a pile of snow, soaking wet. I run over to her and hold her in my arms, wrapping my jacket around her in hopes to keep her warm. She starts to mumble but I could make out what it was. When suddenly she passed out in my arms. I carried her out to my car and brought her to the hospital.


I woke up to the sound of a beeping noise. I slowly open my eyes and see I'm in a hospital, I immediately panic and start to get up out of the bed. Only to be pulled back down by my boyfriend Jughead.

"What happened?" I ask curiously, he takes a deep breath before telling me how I had gotten hurt. As Jughead tells me the story pieces of the night come back to me as I start to remember. "It turns out that it was Cheryl, Ethel, and Polly who beat you up" Jughead says confirming my original thoughts, except for Polly, I was so sure it was Ms. Grundy.

But Jughead told me that Ethel and Cheryl help Polly escape. In the end the police had found all three of them and they all went to jail. "Jughead, thank you, I love you so much." I say meaning every word, as a smile grew on both of our faces, "I love you too Dixie" Jughead leans in as he places a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.


THANK YOU honeybear2421 FOR THE IDEA.

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