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Werewolves are destined to have a partner. The moon goddess has made it this way because she believes that no wolf is whole unless they have their partner; their one true love. However there are certain circumstances which can mean that a wolf may lose his partner. A wolf that doesn't follow the laws of the moon goddess, or a wolf that mistreats his gift from her can lose his other half permanently. To make sure that each wolf has found his true mate, the pair have their own birthmarks that, when alone are two halves, but together make a complete tattoo.

Skylar has been looking for her mate for 2 years now, ever since she became of age. But she has had absolutely no luck. She won't let that get her down though. She knows that he is out there somewhere, but she is bracing herself for rejection. Although wolfs struggle without their other half, some wolves simply don't want one. Not to mention that Skylar isn't exactly anything special. She is of no rank, and sucks at hand to hand combat. The only thing that is special is her wolf; pure white fur which is rare among wolves. Not that she lets anybody see it.

Lucas is a worshipped Alpha. Taking over from his father before he was even 17, Alpha Lucas is more than used to ruling without his mate. Yet it isn't what he wants. Girls throw themselves at him left, right and centre, but he isn't like that. Not anymore. Not ever since his mark has started tingling, 2 years ago. Although the temptation is there to allow one of the many girls into his room, he knew that it wouldn't be right as he was one step closer to having his own angel in his arms.

What happens when Lucas' and his pack storm through another pack territory after they had been threatening his pack safety? Who is the strange blonde that one of his men finds in the pack prison? What did she do to be in the prison? And why does he feel somewhat attracted to her before he's even seen her?

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