First day!

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Taking a deep breath, Laura walks up to the glass doors of the school's reception. The large Silas Academy logo was etched into each door. Once through she looks all around, taking in everything she sees. Laura quickly regains her focus when somebody behind her clears their front and speaks.
" Are you lost there, Cutie?" Laura looks in the direction of the voice to find a breathtaking brunette with a smirk on her face.
"Erm yeah I am actually a little lost." Laura stumbles, barely getting her statement out " can you point me in the direction of the heads office? It's my first day here, I'm the new NQT."

The stranger arches her eyebrows in Laura's direction "follow me, Creampuff. I'm heading that way now. I'll escort you there."
"Laura" laura coughs.
"Excuse me?" The strangers smirks at lauras obvious mumble. " didn't quite catch that?"
"The names Laura. Laura Hollis. You keep calling me sweet edible things?" Laura replies trying to control the butterflies that seem to have taken up home in her stomach.
"Just calling what I see there, cupcake!" Said the remarkinglgy still stranger.
"I'd like it if you called me laura though seeing as we'll be working together. What's your name?" Laura asked trying to keep her frustrations under control although failing.
"Haha wouldn't you like to know, cream puff?" Laughed the stranger, walking off in an unknown  direction.
"Yes I actually would, please!" Called laura after the stranger although she quickly became distracted by said strangers behind. No one should look that good in a simple pant suit laura thought to herself. Realising she was now by herself she jogged off in the direction she last saw the stranger.

Catching up with the stranger, laura realised that she was now standing outside the schools office feeling all hot and flustered with the run in with the stranger.
"You must be laura Hollis?" Asked a curly red headed lady.
"Ah yes that's me. And do you mind me asking who I'm speaking to? I've already spoken to someone who seems to not want to give away their identity!" Laura asked.
"Oh you must have met Carmilla! She always likes to wind up any new member of staff that arrive!" The red head replied. "My names Lola perry. I'm the headteacher. Most people call me perry though" offering her hand for laura to shake. "Let's go and show you to your classroom and introduce you to your year partner. I take it you know that you are teaching year 2 alongside Danny Lawrence?" Perry asked laura whilst walking off in a new direction which laura assumed to be her new classroom. Laura nodded to no one but herself before scurrying off in the direction she last saw her new boss, Perry.

Laura ran round a corner she assumed that Perry had gone, hoping to catch up with her when she slammed into a brick wall. Well what felt like a brick wall. After regaining her barings, she looked up to what she had round into and found a concerned giant staring down at her.
"Woah there little hottie, look where you are going. You're going to get yourself hurt. We can't have hotties getting hurt!" Said the worried giant. Laura looked up in disbelief with the amount of time this stranger has called her hottie in the last thirty seconds. Doesn't he know that it's really sexist to address people by their looks? Laura thought to herself. Laura felt herself getting frustrated that she knew that she had to respond to him.
"The names Laura. You can't call people those names just because you enjoy looking at them!" Laura found herself get even more frustrated with the giant. "People have names that they like to be called and in case you missed it mines laura." Laura exclaimed with a huff. The giant's face became downcast and Laura felt a little bit better about herself but than began to worry that she had really upset the giant.
" I didn't mean to cause offence there, Laura. I'm all up in the feminist cause don't worry." The giant said before loping away in a direction that Laura hadn't been shown yet.
"Argh great in my first twenty minutes I have managed to upset a giant!" Laura said to the empty corridor.
"Aha there you are!" Exclaimed Perry from a doorway in the corridor. "I'm glad you found me. I always forget just how quickly I cover these corridors! Let me introduce you to Danny Lawrence. She can then show you around and to you classroom. Come in here dear." Perry finished with a wave. " Danny, this is Laura. She's the new NQT I told you about and she will be your year partner for the upcoming year."
"Hey, laura nice to meet you!" Danny said cheerfully. Laura couldn't help but look up at the lady. She was at least 6ft tall with long red hair but this was up in a high pony tail. " are you alright there, Laura?" Danny said with a small smile on her face.
"Erm ah yeah I'm good. It's great to meet you, Danny. I can't wait to get started!" Laura finally stumbled out.
"Right then let me show you where your classroom is and then I can give you the grand tour of the place! I feel that you will fit in really well here!" Danny said cheerfully before walking out of her classroom door. " this is your classroom just opposite mine, all year partners are either next door or opposite to make it easier to share resources and ideas, so there's your door. I'll let you explore your room later.  But on with the tour!" Danny led the way further down the corridor. "Here's Year 3 with SJ and Natalie." Two ladies that looked just a couple of years older than Laura looked at them and waved. " down that corridor is years 4 and 5 with their teachers Kirsch, Will, Anna and Katy. I'll introduce them at the meeting later as there's not a lot down there bar their classrooms. This way is where I need to show you." Danny said pointing off in front of her. Laura was trying really hard to memorise this place but it was really hard. All over the walls were displays to promote learning behaviours and how to resolve any typical primary school problems. You can really tell that the children's wellbeing is really important here and not just the data that they produce. During all this thinking time laura hadn't realised that the long legs of her year partner had taken Danny three quarters of the way up the corridor.
"Hey are you coming or are you going to stand around there all day?" Called Danny from the opposite end.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming. I don't want to get lost on my first day!" Replied Laura and jogged to catch up with Danny.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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