Chapter #2. {Don't mess with me}

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I walk down stairs and grab my bag and an apple from the counter while heading out the door. I hop on my baby Bertha. She is a motorbike, I know but don't judge!  I start her up and in less than 15 minutes I'm at school.

When I hop off Bertha I can feel everyone's eyes on me, one boy walks up to me and taps my shoulder, "Hey! There is a new kid here! And I heard he is SUPER hot! This might be your chance!" My only friend Sarah said. She is always on my case about dating. But no-one wants to date the mute freak... 'No way!' I say to her in sign language, she started taking sign classes with me when I went mute. She is the most loyal friend in the world. She crosses her arms and says, "ki, your gonna have to date at some point." She huffed.
I took of my helmet and went in.

I walked into math, no one is here. Hm... Guess I'm early! And so is a guy at the back. I don't recognize him he must be the new kid. I slowly sit down on my seat and open my book, as I am sketching someone sits next to me so I look up. The new guy? Why would he sit next to me? I guess no one told him I'm mute....

'I'm mute.' I write.
He shakes my hand, "And I'm Chase!" He said happily.
'Why r u talking to me?'
"Why can't I?"
'Because no one likes a mute freak."
"Well that's about to change!"
Jus then the teacher Mr Crunfich came in. For the rest of the morning me and Chase were 'talking' and then when it was lunch I asked if he would like to sit with me and Sarah. And he did.

We talked about random things.
"Do you want to come over later Ki?" I looked over at Sarah who wiggled her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Great! I will pick u up at 4:00."

The badass mute girl.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum