Hazel Dove

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this OC belongs to: dabtective (also known as me, the writer of this book)

slightly more "private" information has been taken out, though still under file. this will be the same for all character profiles.

Full Name: Hazel Marie Dove

Nicknames: Haze (only by close friends)

SHSL/Ultimate Talent: Psychoanalyst

Age: 16

Orientation: Asexual lesbian

Gender (and pronouns): Female (she/her)

Chest (inches or cm): 36"

Eye color/shape: Round, hazel eyes.

Hair color, style, length: When not tied up in its usual ponytail, Hazel's brown hair cuts off below her shoulders.

Height: 5'

Weight: 120 lbs

Skin color: Dark tan

Info: "I, to a regrettable extent, believe myself to be the type of person who will take interest in a tiny, unimportant thing, and forget everything around me as I do so."

Skills: Empathy, baking, playing the violin. Reads people very well.

Speech: Though not actually having any accent, Hazel's voice gives off the slightest vibe of the classic "British accent". She speaks very intelligently, and uses large words. Hazel's voice sometimes sounds as if she is apathetic and doesn't care about what she's talking about as if she has a flat tone all the time, but this couldn't be farther from the truth.

Outfit: A light pink short dress with lace at the sleeves, neck and bottom of the skirt. Hazel wears a dark gray shirt under the dress because the neck is embarrassingly low cut. She has detached sleeves (also with lace around the top and bottom base) which reach from below her shoulders to her upper forearms. She wears white kneesocks and black mary janes.

Basic personality: A kind and caring person, Hazel is the type to help anyone out if they need it. However, she has a very short "tolerance" and can't stand being annoyed. Hazel will hyperfocus on things very easily, and it takes quite a bit to take her out of her trance.
Hazel is almost like a 19th century aristocrat in a modern teenager's body, taking into account her speech patterns, the way she carries herself, et cetera.

Introverted or Extroverted?: Extroverted

Fears: Meeting someone she absolutely can't understand/talk to, drowning.

Likes: Ribbons, sweets, board games, shiny things (like sequins and jewels), fancy pens, classical music, the color pink, cute things.

Dislikes: Blueberries, grapes, salty food, annoyances, loud sounds.

Where can your OC usually be found hanging out?: Rec room, library, cafeteria

Extra information about your OC: Hazel always keeps a journal about her. She is seen writing or reading in it very, very often.

OC Theme Song: April Showers by ProleteR

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