Chapter 2: The Present

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Present Time.

I never went into hunting again after that.  I tried to live a normal life and that was completely out of the question according to the demons that have been trying to capture me an take me to their leader, The King of Hell, also known as Crowley aka the man that killed both my parents and took my brother.  Which leads me to today when I met Dean Winchester and he saved both our asses.  

"Are you okay" Dean's husky voice asked.  

"No not really but I guess I'll get over it sooner or later" I responded, "Ive never had to deal with so many demons at once its usually just one or two.  Of course I was stupid and came out without any weapons.  Thank God you were there or I might be dead just like my parents and I don't even know if my brothers alive so maybe him too........" my voice trailed off.  I looked back up at him and noticed his eyes were shocked and it took him a while to answer me, 

"So you're a hunter" he asked, eye brows furrowing.  I shook my head, 

"Used to be a hunter but went out of practice when my dad died and my brother disappeared.  I still go shooting and keep up with the hunter news which is how I know about you an your brother Sam.  I just don't fight anymore it brings up painful memories.  Id rather not relive them".  

"Where do you live?  I could take you there so you don't have to walk home alone" Dean said.  

"I live on the road" I told him, "I don't have home anymore".  Dean looked at me sympathetically.  

"You could come and live with us that way you'd have better protection and you don't have to be by yourself".  I thought about that for a second.  

"I dont know I don't want to intrude on you and your brother" I told him.  He waved his hands and said, 

"Its no problem at all.  Ill just call Sam on the way and tell him we are having you come over for a bit to live with us".  I thought about it again, 

"Okay ill go with you" I said.  He smiled and took me to his car, I got in.  He turned the car on and Eye of the Tiger started blaring form the speakers.  He quickly turned it down and smiled at me sheepishly I just grinned back and said, 

"Nice one, good music though I like your taste".  He grinned.  

We had a nice ride back to the motel where Dean and Sam were staying and we got out and walked in and Dean yelled, 

"Home Sweet Home.  How I missed thee" and then he fell on a bed.  I had to hold onto the door handle to keep from falling over from laughing so hard.  Sam came out of the bathroom and stared at Dean an then looked over at me laughing by the door.  

"Can I help you" Sam asked me.  I stopped laughing and turned to Dean and said to him,

"you didn't call him did you"?  he looked at me, face palmed and said,

"I knew there was something I was forgetting to do".  he got up and said

"Sammy we gained a new roommate she is a hunter like us".  

"Not really a hunter but thank you for that introduction" I said smiling.  

"What do you mean not really a hunter" Sam asked.  I looked at him and said,

"I gave up hunting after my brother and dad died 3 years ago.  I still go shooting and keep up with the hunter news but thats about it besides the demons that come after me to take me to their master so he can either use me or execute me like he did with my parents".  He nodded and smiled and said, 

" well welcome home".  I grinned and said thank you.  We sat down at the coffee table and began to talk about life in itself and why demons keep coming after me.  We talked until we got tired and then we crashed for the night.  

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