Chapter 5: Foul Loathsome Evil Little Cockroach

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(Hermione: POV)

The bogart changed form as Lupin jumped in front of Harry. The dementors figure changed from black to a glowing white moon, I looked around at everybody's expressions looking slightly longer at Draco but they were all confused. It felt so obvious to me, but then again things become so much clearer and noticable after you know about them.

(Draco: POV)

"Ridikulus" the moon turned into a baloon and flew around the classroom returning to the cabinet.

"Right...well sorry about that" Proffessor Lupin had trouble finding his words but finally cleared his throat "Thats enough for the day if you'd all like to collect your books at the back of the class, thats the end of the lesson- thank you." I felt some part relieved that I didn't have to go up, everybody finding out my deepest fear- they could use it against me, but nevertheless I wanted to know what my deepest fear was and I sure as hell was going to find out. 

After the end of all our classes I snuck up to the room and saw the cabinet pushed far back in the left hand side corner of the room. I raised my arm and pointed my wand at the cabinet not expecting it to open. What came out horrified me. 

"Her-Hermione?" I all but breathed. 

As the door of the cabinet swung open, Hermione fell with it. Her eyes were closed and she was lifeless in the floor in a pool of blood. I felt like I was going to be sick. 

I ran out of the classroom, the image dissapearing behind me. "How could I make that appear funny?" I spat out. "I guess that was dramatic but what I find funny is the expression on your face." I felt myself tense. Pansy laughed casually and I stopped and looked at her she was just outside the room. "Pansy-you cant tell-" She cut me off "I can do whatever I want Draco, just remember that." She smirked and I watched her skip down the steps, hatred filling inside me.

By the time I made it to my dormitory it was empty, except for Goyle who was drooling into his pillow, his huge feet dangling off the end of the bed. I walked rather quickly to my bed-I needed to warn Hermione about Pansy, I grabbed a piece of parchment from under my bed and a pen on my bedside table.

(Hermione: POV)

Saturday, finally I made my way down to the Great Hall, sliding next to Harry with Ron in front of us picking at a plate of scambled eggs. "Not only do we have to see him almost every day in potions, but not we have to hear about him on the weekends?" Ron was moaning, I raised my eyebrows at Harry. He shrugged grumpily "Everybody's talking about how Malfoy and Pansy are together." I choked on the water which I was drinking. Ron gave me a look. I found myself struggling for words "Ew, what are they doing publishing their news?" It came out with venom but it only added on to the effect. "No, Pansy hasn't let anybody miss out on the disgusting details of how he took her behind the library shelves and made out with her." I was becoming angry, I was sad but not as much angry.

"Hagrid wanted to see us, didn't he? We should go now, or would you like to finish your eggs Ronaldd-or should I say start eating them?" I smirked at Ron, eager to change the subject. With that Ron, Harry and I got up to go see Hagrid and ask him how the hearing went.

*  *  *

"Ah, come to see the show?" I knew Draco hated Buckbeak but that didn't mean he had to die. I was beyond mad already now this was pushing me, why on earth did I like Draco Malfoy.

"You. You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!!" I raised my wand at him but I couldn't come up with any spell that I knew would suffice for my anger.

"Hermione, No! He's not worth it." Ronald whined.

He was right, Malfoy wasnt worth it, I turned back around to walk off with them when I heard Draco laughing.


I punched him, all my anger lashed out on him in one punch, all my anger poured out into that one punch now all that is left is grief.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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