How why?

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I couldnt even do anything it was like i was frozen, my feet where plastered to the floor, suddenly i had become a statue.

But he came up to me and softly kissed me on the cheeked, and just the kiss that woke up Snow White and sleeping beauty, it had in froze me and forced upon me to hug him and squeeze him almost till his head exploded, i had to calm myself.

He held my hand and brought me to his hotel room, "So did u think, i was gonna give u a fake number or that this was some sort of creep?"

I couldn't even do anything but just star in his eyes, i dont know why I did this i just did even though i had already met him like a couple hours earlier. And yet just being alone with him was different.

He closed the door to his hotel room and tried to ask me a couple questions, i tried to answer but nothing came out off my mouth!

finally something came out my mouth, but not the exact same thing i wanted to come out, "do u want to make out?!?!" i gasped and covered my mouth. "Did that just come out my mouth? Wait I'm sorry i didnt mean it like that i just-" i got cut off by his lips softly pressing up against mine.

He wants me?! (Matthew Espinosa Dirty FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now