A Spiders Web and a Willows Shade

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Chapter 9 Telling Phil

When I got home I was debating if I really wanted to tell Phil. I decided to tell him, not only was he my legal guardian, but he’s also an agent, surely he’d know what to do. I heard Phil say that dinner was ready, so I went down stairs to join him. When I got down stairs I realized it was 7:30.

“You’ve been quite ever since you got home. Are you okay?”  I nodded.

“How do you feel about mutants?” Phil looked at me funny when I asked him this.

“Um…… It depends if they threaten the world once they learn how to use their mutations. Why do you ask.” I closed my eyes and sighed. When I opened my eyes he looked at me with concern.

“The fire that happened today during school, I stared it. I was angry; my emanations were out of control. I must have done something because when I turned around the woods was up in flames. I looked at my hands, and they were on fire. I didn’t burn, I was fine. When I heard the fire trucks I flew over the woods. Phil looked at me and cleared his throat before he stared speaking.

“Your mother was a mutant. She could fly. I somehow taught her how to control her mutation. I nodded.

“Phil, what are we going to do? I can do a whole lot more than just fly.”

“We’ll figure it out before Friday, I promise. Until you can control it don’t do anything stupid. I nodded we ate the rest of dinner in silence. I was helping Phil clean up when he told me I should probably get ready for bed. I nodded and went to shower; I dried my dark brown hair, brushed it, and put it in a high pony tail. After that I brushed my teeth afterwards, I went downstairs to say goodnight to my Uncle. When I said that he looked at me like I just killed someone, typical I though as I lay down in bed. That unwanted feeling never goes away I thought drifting off to sleep.

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