Chapter 1: ordinary day

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                  The second day of the week a Tuesday. That is when these things usually happen when people least expect it. That's how it was for kile and Hanna anyway. They grew up together as neighbors as kids are suppose too. This was a April day they spent much time together they were 16 kile and 15 Hanna. " let's do something a little bit more fun then sitting here and playing video games all day." Is what hanna said to kile. Kile agreed to her request saying " ok, yea, we have not explored the neighborhood since two summers ago." They headed out the door walking slowly as people will do when they have not done things together for a long while. It was a sunny April day.

               The grass was green in the small town of fort-fourth. The sidewalks were hot with the sun beating down. The traffic was less then busy and the path ahead of kile and Hanna was long. They walked and explored the town many times, just not in there recent history. They went to the part of there town where the path of the forest opens and only the locals would have any reason to travel down. They started walking this path for the first time in 2 years either have been down it.

The path was nothing like they remembered. "Look at all this junk and liter around people are disgusting" Hanna said to kile. "People are the worst indeed" came kile's reply to Hanna. "This place used to be quite beautiful all anybody wants to do these days is party, it's quite annoying" kile added. Hanna gave him a look of admiration. They had partied there themselves but they would always clean up afterwards. "This path isn't such a secret anymore after more and more people started populating this area." Kile said to Hanna. " yea that's true if only we could have appreciated what we had back when we discovered this place." Kile looked at her and said " well Johansson knew about it before us if you recall." They both fell silent about that name for a long while as they walked on.

They came to the place where there was a couch in the middle of the woods. They were both surprised too see much of the couch worn out and many burn marks that had worn it more. "Looks like the pothead hippies have discovered this place" Hanna finally said as the silence broke. " yea most of those hippies are not so bad around here I have smoked with them last summer, but I have learned the high was not worth the reward for starring at walls." Kile admitted to Hanna for the first time. "That was a very stupid thing to do, but you did not say starring at trees so I suppose you did not take them to this place." Hanna half retaliated. Kile was quite unsure if he did show people the way through this place or if he had mentioned it to anyone.

They were now sitting on the worn out couch relaxing. "So how was your time away from this place?" Kile asked Hanna. " it was like quite boring. I caught up on a lot of reading otherwise the institution had bad food and much time to think about things." Hanna replied. "Yes well I'm glad you decided to come back to this town then again where else would you go? " kile said jokingly. " I would love to go to live on the beach one day learning how to surf would be a nice experience." Hanna replied. "Oh yea living on the coast. I don't know about that there are a lot of creatures in the ocean and I'm sure we have not discovered all of them." Kile said. Hanna wondered what kind of creatures he meant by this.

The night was now getting late. "Well it's getting late and spring break will be over before we know it, let's head home for now." Kile said to Hanna they started to head home. They came out of the wooded area and started walking back to town. "There sure are a lot of unfinished construction sites they have been working on around here." Hanna said to kile " what do you expect from contractors" kile replied. "Yea you are right kile" Hanna accepted this. They both were wondering why the hippies were not around in the woods for they were also on their spring break.

Kile and Hanna were coming around the corner to the block they lived on. "Look there they finished putting up a new neighbors house a few days ago." Kile said. "Yea but I never see anyone working on these new houses they put up." Replied Hanna. "Probally because we are in classes when they do these things. Trust me my one uncle is a contractor way out in Oregon he is always taking weekends off and works very hard Monday to Friday." Kile told Hanna. "Well Oregon has a beach a good place for surfing, can't be anything like north eastern Pennsylvania." Hanna replied. "Kile we should visit the new neighbors tomorrow see what kind of people they are and welcome them to the neighborhood." Hanna added as an after thought. Kile said " ok Hanna you have a good Night and we will visit our new neighbors tomorrow." Hanna replied " ok you have a good night too!" They both went to bed that night glad they finally had a chance to catch up since Hanna had come back from a mental institution.

The first day of there break had ended and from this point on Hanna and Kile had hoped to spend every second making up for lost time. The night passed slowly, as nights will when people have something to look forward to the next day. Kile spent the night thinking about Hanna. And hanna spent the night thinking about kile and if things would ever really be the same between them, as she hoped they would be.


The 3rd day of the week a Wednesday started early then expected for Kile. His parents woke him up unknowingly as they argued about this and that nonsense, someway to spend spring break he thought. His parents then left for work without thinking much about how he felt about growing up in a house such as his, they always cared about his older brother more who was currently living in the south with his fiancé. Kile got up and had a coffee and slowly got ready for the day ahead with Hanna. Hanna was nowhere near close to ready for the day at 4;30 in the morning.

      No, in fact Hanna would still be sleeping until at least 10:00. Kile worked on his art pictures and caught up on some reading, that he was interested in, as he waited for Hanna to come over. Then around 10:45 A:m. He heard a knock at the door and the door bell ring as Hanna liked to do both. Kile answered the door and stepped out to greet Hanna. What they were about to step into no one or nothing in human experience could possibly have better prepared them for the discoveries they were about to make from this day forward.

     Hanna greeted Kile " Hello Kile, shall we introduce ourselves to the new neighbors ? " Kile always had something else on his mind like he wanted to be somewhere else then the godforsaken town he was born in. He replied with an almost despairingly "yea I guess so." They both had their fair share of problems in their life. Kile and Hanna proceeded to walk to the new neighbors house. Hanna new Kile had his own way of dealing with his severe case of depression. They were now at the front of their new neighbors house.

Kile proceeded to knock on the door. There came a reply in another language neither of them had ever heard. " was that in Spanish !?" Asked hanna. Kile didn't quite hear any response. He knocked again. This time they heard a language clearly they both understood it. It said "hello my new friends you are..." . Hanna and Kile looked at each other both comprehending a language neither of them spoke yet they both understood what this young being had said. Which was very odd for Kile he studied over 10 languages and knew them moderately well, but this language was none he could recognize yet understood very well.

At last came another reply in clear English. "Go away we do not like visitors and wish to live here in peace." Hanna responded first still perplexed "We only wish to welcome you to our neighborhood!" "Go away and we will feel very welcome if you never try to visit us again". Kile responded " let's go Hanna this is why it gets harder and harder to make friends as we age older." Hanna added "yea this is why I cannot wait to get out of this state, I can't stand all the negativity in this area". They proceeded to the forest path.

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