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After a few seconds later me and javy jumped up when we heard a noise.

We froze in place we could not even talk or move we were completely frozen. 

A moment later me and javy started talking at the same time.

  ''Was that a sound of a 'GUNSHOT?'' we both said while still looking scared.

Me and javy were the first ones to stand up and run to the door.

 We struggled to open the door because it was locked so Sabrina would not notice anything.

After we opened the door me and Javy  ran outside and,and we saw Sabrina lying on the floor 

bleeding because she was the one that got shot.

  "NO.NO.NO. this cannot happen to Sabrina. she is my best friend and she is like my sister she 

cannot die. She cannot die.'' i yelled as loud as i could. 

Javy was also so scared and mad at the same time because Sabrina was his sister, thought they 

used to fight a lot he still love her so much.

''Sorry that we couldn't stop the person from shooting her.He/she pushed me and your mom 

away and shot her as fast as he/she could.''my parents tried to tell me.

I started to yell but the next thing that i knew is that i was in my bedroom laying down on my

bed sweating but just then i realized it was all a dream. Everything about Sabrina was just a 

dream.I would never let anything like that happen to any of my friends.

   I realized something else, i realized that it was Sunday and that it was one of my friends b-day. 

I t was my friend LISA'S birthday and she did not know that me and my other friends are 

planning a surprise party. Me, Sabrina, Roxsana, and Javy planned the party and everything 

else but each one had their own jobs about the party that they had to worry about.

Sabrina has to make the list of the people that are coming to the party.

Roxsana has to decorate the tables and put the plates and cups and everything on the tables.

Me and Javy have to look for the right place to have the party at.

     ''Roxsana are you almost done with the decorations?'' i asked her.

'' Yes. i just need three more things.'' she yelled from the back of the house( my house).

''Kay just make it look beautiful.'' i told her.

      We were actually planning to do the party in a different place but then  Sabrina said that 

Lisa liked my backyard because it has a swimming pool.

The party is actually going to start at 4:30 p.m.

''everybody try to wrap things up cause people are going to start coming in thirty minutes, and 

Lisa is gonna come one hour later.'' i told everyone.

  ''we just need five more minutes and we are gonna be done.'' yelled Sabrina.

''Well five more minutes because we also have to get ready for the party.'' i reminded them.

''What are you gonna wear,Sabrina?'' i asked her.

'' I am gonna wear a blue dress with a little bit of white and a brown belt  .'' she yelled, again

               ''And you?'' i told her

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               ''And you?'' i told her.

  " i'm gonna wear a white and light-blue short  dress.'' i told her.

''I am already done with the decorations'' Roxsana said

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''I am already done with the decorations'' Roxsana said.

The Boys In The Front SeatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora