2 - Easy Way Out

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A/N: The last chapter was more like an introduction, lets get into the action, shall we?(;

Hayley POV

I lay in bed, my head dangling off the end of the bed, my hair brushing against the floor, looking at the world upside down while I blasted music. My mom and Kyle were out, of course. At least I wouldn't be bothered by anyone, and maybe I could finally enjoy my Saturday for once. I just lay there, my body was relaxed as I listened to the music pour out of my speakers, each and every lyric being relatable. It's like the music speaks to me, like it understands me, like it wants me to know that it understands, like the song was made specifically for me, or, for all the other kids like me.

All the other kids like me.

I sat up on my bed and rolled up my sleeves, revealing all the bruises from Kyle, and all the cuts. Some cuts where fading away, some where new. I lightly traced my fingertips over them, flinching slightly when I touched the newer ones. I sighed and got up from my bed, making my way towards the bathroom. 

I was a bit tired, so I wanted to wash my face. I stood in front of the sink, keeping my eye sight down. I didn't want to look up, I didn't want to see myself in the mirror. I haven't been able to look at myself in the mirror for a long time. I am so disgusted with what I see, with myself. I turned on the water and cupped my hands under the faucet, catching the water in my hands. I brought the water up to my face and splashed it on my face. I turned off the water and grabbed the towel, drying my face, and left the bathroom. 

As I was leaving the bathroom, I heard the doorknob to the front door start to jiggle. I heard loud voices from behind the door. Once the door opened, the volume of the voices raised a bit, and they were the voices of my drunk mother, and the devil himself, Kyle.

I quickly ran to my room, and just as I was about to open the door, I heard my name.

"Haaaaaay-leeeeeeey!" I mother called. I was going to ignore her and just go into my room, but she called my name again. "Hayleeeey! Hayley! Haaaaayley!" I sighed and slowly began to walk down the hall over to them, to see what they wanted. "Hayley I know you're here! Come out, come out wherever you are!" I walked up to her. "Hayley!-Oh, there you are." She said as she saw me. 

She smelled horrible. And I mean horrible. You could smell the alcohol from a million miles away. She had her hand on the table, supporting her weight to she wouldn't tip over. She tried to make her way over to me, but with every step she took, her body began to sway side to side, so she just ended up staying by the table to support herself. 

She looked around. "What's this?" She asked, not pointing out to anything in particular.

I gave her a funny look. "What's what?" I asked.

I heard Kyle chuckle. He was standing behind her. 

"It's almost 6:00pm and you haven't even started making us our dinner." She slurred her words. 

"Dinner?" I asked.

"Yes dinner, you idiot!" Kyle yelled.

"You never told me to make you any dinner..." I said, trying my best to ignore Kyle's comment.

"Don't talk to me like that!" She snapped at me.

"Like what?!" I snapped back.

"Like an idiot!" Kyle yelled at me. 

I looked at Kyle, tears starting to form in my eyes. "Shuttup!" I yelled at him. 

I saw as my mother's eyes grew furious. "Don't talk to your father like that!" She brought her hand back and swung it forward, making contact with my cheek. I shrieked and rubbed my cheek and began to cry. This was the first time she's ever hit me, and boy, did she hit me hard.

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